June 17, 2008

The Rendezvous

This is the June 2008 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This website / blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter and allows the opportunity to make comments about any of the issues in this month’s newsletter or to view previous editions of the newsletter. As urgent notices are received throughout the month, they will be posted immediately, so check back regularly, or you can set it up as an RSS feed through the program of your choice. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication.
Technology Update

Overall, the internet, television, and security systems appear to be working well. However, there have been occasional delays in the audio/video coordination in the television signal. If you are experiencing this problem, please contact Sharon and the signal can be reset.

Negotiations are continuing through the broker for a new technology provider. You will be notified as soon as there is a solid solution.

Please continue to contact Quadra Media with any problems, or if they do not respond you can contact Sharon Andersen at (435) 755-7829 or sandersen@redeagledevelopment.com.

The landscaping contractor is paid to mow the lawn once a week and to pull the weeds once a month. Because of the wet weather, they have started weeding once a week to keep up with the growth. Once the weather becomes warmer and dryer, they should be able to control the weeds through spraying and reduce the weeding frequency.

These costs are paid from the HOA dues, and the cost increases as the maintenance requirements increase. As the development grows, it is a learning process to determine how to best balance the costs and maintenance requirements to keep the neighborhood looking good. Please contact Sharon if you see any areas that need attention.

Official Notices

  • It is the pet owner's responsibility to keep their yard area and all common areas in the development free of pet waste. A lot of the spring clean up budget was used to pick up pet waste. The landscaping contractor levies additional charges for picking up waste, and it is very time consuming to pick up the waste, especially from the gravel areas. The lawn areas have been damaged and the problem has continued as the spring progresses. The CC&R's for the development require those with pets to pay an additional $10 assessment for animals. This fee is to reimburse the HOA for picking up after dogs when no owner can be identified. This fee has not been enforced, but we will begin to enforce the rule as the problem is not being addressed adequately by pet owners.
  • The landscaping contractor is preparing to replace several front yards that have been damaged by dogs. We will do this lawn replacement this first time. Thereafter if your lawn is damaged because of your pet, you will have to pay to replace the grass, shrubs, etc.
  • The first of the pet waste areas is being competed in Phase I and the second one in Phase II will be completed shortly. We have ordered Pet Stations with plastic bags and all pet owners will be required to pick up after their pets. If they don't pick up and someone witnesses a dog doing their business in common areas (which includes the front yards) a citation will be issued and possibly an additional assessment levied. If multiple complaints are received, the owner may be required to remove the dog from the development.
Thank you for your cooperation in making this a comfortable and safe community. Please address any comments, questions, or concerns to the HOA Management by contacting Sharon Andersen at (435) 755-7829 or sandersen@redeagledevelopment.com.
Garden Space is Ready

The garden area is ready for planting and the spaces are marked out. Please contact Sharon if you would like a space to plant your own garden this summer. Sharon can be reached at (435) 755-7829 or sandersen@redeagledevelopment.com.