October 21, 2008

The Rendezvous

This is the October 2008 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter and allows the opportunity to make comments about any of the issues in this month’s newsletter or to view previous editions of the newsletter. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication. Please keep comments respectful and use appropriate language.
Technology Update

In October, we will begin to issue full credit on the internet portion of your monthly technology bill. We will do this until either (1) we have a permanent contract in place with a major and dependable provider, or (2) until the current system is functioning correctly. As of this writing our understanding is that each subscriber is experiencing 3MB down load and 896KB upload. If the system maintains this level, we will be satisfied. DSL provides 1.5Mb down and about ½ of that up. If you have need for a higher service level, please contact Sharon (755-7829) to increase your service level.Regarding the procurement of a long term provider, we were informed this week that the company’s attorneys have finished their investigation and a contract will be forth coming for our review. So, hopefully we are nearing an end of the technology problems we have experienced to date.
Official Notices
  • We are concerned with the speed residents are driving through the development. Please! Please! Reduce speed to 25 MPH or less on the main streets and 10MPH or less in the alleyways. This is critical! We are very concerned about the safety of our residents and especially our children. We are working with the City of Logan to provide parking instructions on the main roads and signage for the Round-A-Bout. More information will follow in the future.
  • Please be watchful parents. Unattended children moving in and out of auto traffic is a serious accident just waiting to happen. Please supervise your children when they are outside. For children who are a little older, please discuss with them rules for their conduct in and around the development. Overall, we are doing a good job, but we have experienced quite a lot of vandalism (setting construction items on fire; damaging trees and shrubs; damaging the sprinkler systems; using spray paint). Please discuss with your children proper behavior and what is acceptable and what is not.
  • Please remember to keep your garbage and recycling bins in your garage except for the garbage pick up day. Please put them inside as soon as possible after they have been emptied. They are a driving hazard and will cause problems for snow removal during the winter, and keeping them in the garage helps our neighborhood look clean and neat. Also remember when you put them out for pick up to place them beyond the concrete strip that runs along the buildings to avoid any damage to the siding.
  • Please be a respectful neighbor. Please keep noise to a minimum and respect your neighbor’s rights. Please pick up after you dogs. We are still finding a lot of dog droppings on the grass and in the gravel. Long term, it will be you, the residents, who make Bridgerland Meadows the kind of place you and others will want to live.
Thank you for your cooperation in making this a comfortable and safe community. Please address any comments, questions, or concerns to the HOA Management by contacting Sharon Andersen at (435) 755-7829 or sandersen@redeagledevelopment.com
Concrete Repairs

As you have seen, we’ve had more than our share of concrete spalling this past year. The installer blames the weather and the supplier blames the installer. To get restitution from either is very problematic. We investigated various “Top Coats” and decided to go with a product that is supposed to last a long time. Let’s hope this is true because to get an actual guarantee is virtually impossible. So we have a crew that began in Phase I and is continuing until the worst of the damage is fixed. Weather allowing they will also begin to repair sidewalk and other concrete issues.
The Round-A-Bout

Please observe the proper traffic patterns for the use of the round-a-bout. We are working with the City of Logan for signage. In the meantime, when approaching the round-about, always go to your right and always yield to any car already in the circle. Let’s all sharpen our driving skills and begin using the round-a-bout as it was intended.
Home Maintenance

As the weather becomes colder, it is a good time to do some regular maintenance on your home to avoid problems and make it last longer. Remember to replace your furnace filters. This will help your furnace run more efficiently and heat your home better. Filters are available at home improvement stores for $10-$30. Look at your current filter to find what size you need to buy. This is also a good time to replace the batteries in your smoke detectors and vacuum them to remove dust so they will work properly. You can find further instructions for regular maintenance on the inside cover of the detector.