December 31, 2010


Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association

In order to be good stewards of your money, and keep your accounts receivable in line with income, the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association will begin immediately to implement new policies for delinquent accounts. The current policy adds $10.00 late fee and interest, and when an account becomes 90 days late begins the process of attaching a lien to the property. Effective immediately, we will contact those who are two months in arrears and negotiate with them to get their account balance current. Beginning January 1, 2011 the following policy will be added to the existing practice of charging a late fee plus interest.
1. When an account becomes 2 months in arrears the unit owner will be given 15 days to bring the account current.
2. If the delinquency is not brought current within the 15 days, the unit’s water will be turned off until the account is brought current or a satisfactory payment schedule is established with the HOA.
3. The water will remain off until #2 above occurs, at which time a $25.00 reconnect fee will be charged.

We recognize that this action is harsh and aggressive. We also recognize that as stewards for HOA funds, we must strictly enforce payment, otherwise, those who do keep their accounts current are subsidizing those who do not. We hope you will support our efforts to keep your HOA financially solvent. Other remedies to collect delinquent accounts results in several months of delinquency, attorney fees charged to the HOA, and sometimes with little delinquent money reaching the HOA account.
We will implement this policy immediately and work with delinquent accounts to get them current by 2011 year’s end. Beginning in January we will implement the full policy.

Bridgerland Meadows HOA
Accounts Management


With the exception of a few units in Phase I & II, Qwest has completed their installation. We will be able to tell you on a case by case basis if service is not to your unit as of this date. Qwest is scheduled into Phase III in the next few weeks. We will keep you informed of their progress.

For those of you residing in Phase I and II you may call Qwest at
800-475-7526, to inquire about phone and internet services. For Satellite TV you will need to call Kelly Electronics at 435-752-5678. You will get the same bundle deal that Qwest offers through Kelly Electronics.

Garbage Cans

All garbage and recycling cans must be stored inside your garage. Residents are not allowed to leave cans in alley ways, between buildings, or at the ends of buildings. Both HOA and City of Logan policy require cans to be stored out of site by 10 PM of the pickup day (Thursday). We’ve been having quite a problem with cans being left in alley ways and between buildings. Unit owners will be assessed a fine if this continues. Please, respect your neighbors. Store your cans inside your garage.

Parking on Streets

Effective November 15th the city of Logan will ticket cars parked overnight on city streets. You may park in the guest parking areas along 1530 North (both sides), but not in the guest parking areas inside the development (next to the buildings). You may also park on the private property on the Southwest corner of the development. We realize this area is currently muddy, but it is another option for parking. Please, do not park on other dirt or grass areas or you will be booted.

Sprinkler Lines and Hose Connections

As we walk around the development it becomes very evident that children are continuing to pull up sprinkler water lines in the gravel areas. Replacing these lines is very costly and we seem to repeat it often. PLEASE speak with your children who may be doing destructive things to others property, and not recognizing it. If you see children doing this, please contact us so we can speak to the parents.

Please be sure to disconnect any outside hoses from faucets as they may freeze and break the faucets.