Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association
In order to be good stewards of your money, and keep your accounts receivable in line with income, the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association will begin immediately to implement new policies for delinquent accounts. The current policy adds $10.00 late fee and interest, and when an account becomes 90 days late begins the process of attaching a lien to the property. Effective immediately, we will contact those who are two months in arrears and negotiate with them to get their account balance current. Beginning January 1, 2011 the following policy will be added to the existing practice of charging a late fee plus interest.
1. When an account becomes 2 months in arrears the unit owner will be given 15 days to bring the account current.
2. If the delinquency is not brought current within the 15 days, the unit’s water will be turned off until the account is brought current or a satisfactory payment schedule is established with the HOA.
3. The water will remain off until #2 above occurs, at which time a $25.00 reconnect fee will be charged.
We recognize that this action is harsh and aggressive. We also recognize that as stewards for HOA funds, we must strictly enforce payment, otherwise, those who do keep their accounts current are subsidizing those who do not. We hope you will support our efforts to keep your HOA financially solvent. Other remedies to collect delinquent accounts results in several months of delinquency, attorney fees charged to the HOA, and sometimes with little delinquent money reaching the HOA account.
We will implement this policy immediately and work with delinquent accounts to get them current by 2011 year’s end. Beginning in January we will implement the full policy.
Bridgerland Meadows HOA
Accounts Management
December 31, 2010
With the exception of a few units in Phase I & II, Qwest has completed their installation. We will be able to tell you on a case by case basis if service is not to your unit as of this date. Qwest is scheduled into Phase III in the next few weeks. We will keep you informed of their progress.
For those of you residing in Phase I and II you may call Qwest at
800-475-7526, to inquire about phone and internet services. For Satellite TV you will need to call Kelly Electronics at 435-752-5678. You will get the same bundle deal that Qwest offers through Kelly Electronics.
For those of you residing in Phase I and II you may call Qwest at
800-475-7526, to inquire about phone and internet services. For Satellite TV you will need to call Kelly Electronics at 435-752-5678. You will get the same bundle deal that Qwest offers through Kelly Electronics.
Garbage Cans
All garbage and recycling cans must be stored inside your garage. Residents are not allowed to leave cans in alley ways, between buildings, or at the ends of buildings. Both HOA and City of Logan policy require cans to be stored out of site by 10 PM of the pickup day (Thursday). We’ve been having quite a problem with cans being left in alley ways and between buildings. Unit owners will be assessed a fine if this continues. Please, respect your neighbors. Store your cans inside your garage.
Parking on Streets
Effective November 15th the city of Logan will ticket cars parked overnight on city streets. You may park in the guest parking areas along 1530 North (both sides), but not in the guest parking areas inside the development (next to the buildings). You may also park on the private property on the Southwest corner of the development. We realize this area is currently muddy, but it is another option for parking. Please, do not park on other dirt or grass areas or you will be booted.
Sprinkler Lines and Hose Connections
As we walk around the development it becomes very evident that children are continuing to pull up sprinkler water lines in the gravel areas. Replacing these lines is very costly and we seem to repeat it often. PLEASE speak with your children who may be doing destructive things to others property, and not recognizing it. If you see children doing this, please contact us so we can speak to the parents.
Please be sure to disconnect any outside hoses from faucets as they may freeze and break the faucets.
Please be sure to disconnect any outside hoses from faucets as they may freeze and break the faucets.
November 1, 2010
The City will cite cars parked overnight between November 15th and March 15th because of snow removal requirements. This year residents may use the guest parking areas on 1530 north (near the mailboxes) without a fee. We may begin to charge for these parking spaces as the need for more parking grows. You will be allowed to park in the storage area in the southwest corner of the property also.
Our goal is to eventually have all extra resident vehicles parked in the storage area when it becomes a paved lot. We will begin to charge for extra vehicles, as it is important for residents to acknowledge that in a multi-family development, extra vehicles use space and resources.
Parking permits will not be required to park in these areas (along 1530 and in the southwest storage parking area). Parking permits ARE required in the guest parking areas near and between the buildings. If you have a guest that is going to be staying overnight and parking in this area, please call Cache Auto Booting 435-512-5003 or you can pick one up from Sharon during office hours if you know in advance.
Our goal is to eventually have all extra resident vehicles parked in the storage area when it becomes a paved lot. We will begin to charge for extra vehicles, as it is important for residents to acknowledge that in a multi-family development, extra vehicles use space and resources.
Parking permits will not be required to park in these areas (along 1530 and in the southwest storage parking area). Parking permits ARE required in the guest parking areas near and between the buildings. If you have a guest that is going to be staying overnight and parking in this area, please call Cache Auto Booting 435-512-5003 or you can pick one up from Sharon during office hours if you know in advance.
We installed the necessary conduit to allow Quest to service every building in September. We are on their schedule but to date have only seen minor work being done in our subdivision. We are still waiting for them to install their wiring so residents can have more technology choices. We have been told they should have all their system completed soon.
Voles and Mice
It seems that this year has seen a particularly large number of mice and voles have been evident. If you have seen such rodents and think we can poison them (outside only), please call Sharon at 755-7829. Once inside the house, you will need to poison or trap yourselves.
Office Hours
Sharon is on-site three hours weekdays. Connie, Don, and Scott are here at various times during each day. The answering machine tells the caller the hours the office is open. If you have HOA business, please call Sharon 435-755-7829 and if no answer leave a message or email her at For emergencies, you can call Connie at 435-232-6879.
Garbage Cans
Just a reminder to keep you cans inside your garage except on pick up day (Thursday). This becomes even more important during the winter months when snow removal becomes an issue.
Thank you for being good pet owners. Dog messes have been picked up and complaints have been very few. As winter approaches, please DO NOT allow your dog to defecate or urinate in the same place every day. This results in a lot of grass and plant damage. Preferably, walk you dog to an adjoining field---he or she will like the walk and at the same time save the landscaping
September 28, 2010
For the past few weeks we have been installing more conduits for our Qwest lines. Qwest has scheduled their underground installers on September 29th. Within a few weeks of their installation completion, you all (phase I, II & III) will have the option of having Qwest as a technology service provider as well as Comcast, Dish, and Direct T.V. Our hope is that you will find the best provider for your individual needs.
Remember, DO NOT install a satellite dish anywhere on the exterior of the building, we have contracted with Kelly Electronics, as the only authorized installer of dishes on our buildings. We hope you understand we are only trying to protect the accumulation of unwanted dishes, holes in the siding and roofs, and overall appearance of our development.
Remember, DO NOT install a satellite dish anywhere on the exterior of the building, we have contracted with Kelly Electronics, as the only authorized installer of dishes on our buildings. We hope you understand we are only trying to protect the accumulation of unwanted dishes, holes in the siding and roofs, and overall appearance of our development.
You pet owners are to be commended for being responsible owners and masters. We have noticed very little dog droppings on the grass. Please continue to take your dogs to nearby fields and when necessary pick up immediately after “the act” is done. Also, please do not allow your dog to urinate in the same place as the grass dies and is difficult to grow back. Thank you.
We sprayed for bees and spiders. We have still had a few complaints on bees. However, with the colder weather fast approaching, the bees should become dormant.
Please clean up any equipment and/or materials from the garden area. We noticed the weeds seem to have “won”. Those who want to garden next year should met with us and develop a plan.
Outside Hoses
Now might be a good time to think about disconnecting any outside hoses to faucets. If hoses are left on the faucet, typically the faucet will freeze and need to be replaced (expensive!)
August 31, 2010
Bees and Spiders
Fortunately the bees have not been very numerous this year. However, the spiders are beginning to make their presence known. The pest exterminator will be spraying on August 26th and 27th. You should see immediate results after treatment. If you notice any vole or gopher activity, please let Sharon know the location (435-755-7829).
Welcome to Students
We appreciate you choosing to live at Bridgerland Meadows. Please be courteous to residents and respectful in keeping noise to a minimum.
Temporary parking permits are available at the HOA office (Model Home). Be sure to get a parking permit so you can avoid being “booted”.
Temporary parking permits are available at the HOA office (Model Home). Be sure to get a parking permit so you can avoid being “booted”.
Parking (One side of street only)
By now you have noticed that signs have been placed allowing parking only on one side of the main city streets in the development. Several complaints were received from residents concerned about safety and the inability to negotiate two-way traffic. The city decided the solution was to park cars on one side of the street rather than both sides.
They will begin enforcing the parking on August 25th. Be sure not to park on the “no parking” side, the city will issue tickets beginning on August 25th, 2010.
They will begin enforcing the parking on August 25th. Be sure not to park on the “no parking” side, the city will issue tickets beginning on August 25th, 2010.
Garbage Cans
Thanks for storing your cans inside your garages. They are unsightly and present possible obstructions in the fire lanes (alley ways).
We have replaced most of the dead plants. We are constantly monitoring the grass areas for adequate irrigation. If a problem arises with a sprinkler head we don’t see it until the grass begins to die, and then when fixed takes several days to recuperate. We are really trying our best to keep all areas green.
We have treated all the trees with minerals and iron. We are beginning to see some results, but are hoping they will all green up soon.
We have treated all the trees with minerals and iron. We are beginning to see some results, but are hoping they will all green up soon.
Thank you!
We feel the community is getting stronger and we are gradually getting problem areas addressed such as technology, landscaping, pets and so on. Thank you for your patience’s and willingness to work with us.
July 30, 2010
Being Good Observers
Several residents have informed us of problems such as noise, children damaging landscaping, repairs needing to be made and so on. This has been very helpful in managing the property.
If you see problems, acts of vandalisim, noise that is bothersome, or other issues, please either notify Sharon or the appropriate authorties. If we don’t know about problems we cannot address them. So please keep us informed.
If you see problems, acts of vandalisim, noise that is bothersome, or other issues, please either notify Sharon or the appropriate authorties. If we don’t know about problems we cannot address them. So please keep us informed.
Quite Time
Please use 9:00 pm as a guide to conclude activities which may be disruptive to neighbors.
Garbage Cans
We will need to pickup cans that are left in alleyways and between buildings, as this is against Logan City regulations.
We will need to pickup cans that are left in alleyways and between buildings, as this is against Logan City regulations.
We have signed a contract with Kelly Electronics to be our exclusive service provider for Direct TV and Dish Network satellite TV service. It is essential that our satellite company provide clean retrofit installations and warranty common equipment used by multiple units. Therefore, other companies or individuals will not be allowed to install their equipment in our development.
There are some restrictions on the number of receiver boxes you can have. Also, if you want to have Comcast internet, you will not be able to have satellite TV as both Comcast and satellite TV utilize the same line. If you currently have Qwest available (Phase I) to your home, you can combine satellite TV with Qwest phone/internet service.
Phase II and III residents should have Qwest available within the next 30-45 days. Qwest has promised this, but sometimes delays are inevitable.
Kelly Electronics is located at 585 W 100 N Suite D in Providence. There phone number is 752-5678.
There are some restrictions on the number of receiver boxes you can have. Also, if you want to have Comcast internet, you will not be able to have satellite TV as both Comcast and satellite TV utilize the same line. If you currently have Qwest available (Phase I) to your home, you can combine satellite TV with Qwest phone/internet service.
Phase II and III residents should have Qwest available within the next 30-45 days. Qwest has promised this, but sometimes delays are inevitable.
Kelly Electronics is located at 585 W 100 N Suite D in Providence. There phone number is 752-5678.
We have sprayed some areas for bees and put up some bee traps in place. Old nests are typically not used by this year’s bee so the nest you see may be old and not used. If you need us to spray call Sharon at 755-7829.
Survey Results: Landscaping
You’ve probably noticed that we have replaced several hundred plants and trees. What we have found is that our clay soil does not allow proper drainage and most of our dead plants and trees are the result of water not draining causing root rot.
The grass in phase III Park has come in nicely. A little reseeding is needed then we can consider it finished. We are also working closely with the landscaper to fine tune the irrigation cycles in order to reduce water consumption.
The grass in phase III Park has come in nicely. A little reseeding is needed then we can consider it finished. We are also working closely with the landscaper to fine tune the irrigation cycles in order to reduce water consumption.
As we look back over the past few years, we can recall several instances of vandalism resulting in painted decorative rock, water lines pulled up and out, holes punched in the ceiling of the pavilion, driving across the round-a-bout, damaging others property, and the list goes on. Please talk with your children and others about this seemingly growing problem. Encourage them to be respectful of others property. Vandalism is very expensive for all residents, because the damaged property has to be repaired or replaced. Let us all work together to make Bridgerland Meadows a great place to live.
Being Good Observers
If you as a resident see or hear things that need the HOA attention, please notify Sharon at 755-7829. Last week we located a Pit Bull living in a rental unit. First the renter is not to have a dog on the premise (CC&&R provision) and second the dog is over the 20 pound weight limit. The HOA needs to be informed so that action can be taken. So please, report inappropriate acts or violations of the CC&R’s so we can address the issues.
Survey Results
Thanks, to all who returned the survey. There is definitely good information in your responses and we will begin to address your suggestions. Each month, for the next several months, we will report in the Rendezvous our efforts to respond to the concerns you voiced through the survey. We will first address “Landscaping”.
1. Weeding, replacing dead plants and trees; This is on-going. This cool and wet spring has hindered the use of weed killers. When the weather warms the landscaping company will be more efficient in controlling weeds including dandelions. We have begun replacing trees. We have also given most trees a nutrient supplement as they have not “greened up” yet. We removed the trees along the South boundary because of the number we were losing through wind and vandalism. We will be replacing them with a more durable bush.
2. Courtyard maintenance, gravel areas, drip lines; We really need to rely on the residents to keep the court yards tidy. The landscapers will replace plants and mow. Bicycles and other items really detract from the overall appearance. We will order more gravel for Phase I areas needing refreshing. It is a special rock we get from Farmington subject to availability. I believe we have buried most of the exposed drip lines. Please remind children not to pull these up as they are both unsightly and the plants die without water.
3. Pet dropping and lawn damage; We need to constantly monitor dog droppings and can use everyone’s assistance. We will begin to reseed the dog damaged areas in the next few weeks.
1. Weeding, replacing dead plants and trees; This is on-going. This cool and wet spring has hindered the use of weed killers. When the weather warms the landscaping company will be more efficient in controlling weeds including dandelions. We have begun replacing trees. We have also given most trees a nutrient supplement as they have not “greened up” yet. We removed the trees along the South boundary because of the number we were losing through wind and vandalism. We will be replacing them with a more durable bush.
2. Courtyard maintenance, gravel areas, drip lines; We really need to rely on the residents to keep the court yards tidy. The landscapers will replace plants and mow. Bicycles and other items really detract from the overall appearance. We will order more gravel for Phase I areas needing refreshing. It is a special rock we get from Farmington subject to availability. I believe we have buried most of the exposed drip lines. Please remind children not to pull these up as they are both unsightly and the plants die without water.
3. Pet dropping and lawn damage; We need to constantly monitor dog droppings and can use everyone’s assistance. We will begin to reseed the dog damaged areas in the next few weeks.
New Construction
Please ensure that your children do not play in or around the building currently being constructed. We’ve witnessed that children are playing at the site and can really get hurt. Please ask your children to stay away from the site. Now that school is out, children will be looking for things to do. Please counsel with them about being good neighbors and residents.
Landlord Business Licensing
If you are a landlord Logan City now requires you to be licensed. Visit for specific requirements. Logan City is sponsoring classes for landlords.
May 18, 2010
The garden has been tilled and is ready for planting. Please let Sharon know if you would like to reserve a plot. Again, we are hoping that the users of the garden will assume leadership and oversee the garden. Please select plots sequentially from South to North. Notify Sharon of the number of spaces that need to be watered. Also, as the season progresses, monitor the water and tell us to increase or decrease the watering schedule.
Storm Doors
If you are interested in a storm door call Sharon (435-755-7829). If we can purchase the doors on sale, we can purchase and install for approximately $285.00.
"The Window Washing Guys LLC"
Bridgerland Meadows Special
$35 inside and outside window
Cleaning services.
Contact: Spencer Knight:
$35 inside and outside window
Cleaning services.
Contact: Spencer Knight:
General Carpentry and Repair
Want to customize your home?
Mike Rudie, our finish carpenter is available to make repairs or alternations in your homes. He will build shelves in your garage. He also does cabinet repair, shelf additions, and generally anything you might need to have done. His price is modest. Call him at 435-753-4749.
Mike Rudie, our finish carpenter is available to make repairs or alternations in your homes. He will build shelves in your garage. He also does cabinet repair, shelf additions, and generally anything you might need to have done. His price is modest. Call him at 435-753-4749.
The pavilion is for your use. If you would like to reserve it call Sharon @ 435-755-7829. A $30.00 refundable deposit is needed. Great for family gatherings!
Patriotic Salute
Memorial Day marks the beginning of the summer holidays in the United States and is traditionally a time for celebration and family outings. Celebrated in most states on the last Monday in May, it is a time to remember the U.S. men and woman who lost their lives serving their country. Established in 1868, over the years it has come to serve as a day to remember all U.S. men and women killed or missing in action in all wars.
If you have a dog, you need to register it with the HOA office. If you have not registered your dog please drop in and fill out the pet registration form.
Thank you for your cooperation in making this a comfortable and safe community. Please address any comments, questions, or concerns to Sharon Andersen at 435-755-7829 or
Thank you for your cooperation in making this a comfortable and safe community. Please address any comments, questions, or concerns to Sharon Andersen at 435-755-7829 or
May 12, 2010
HOA Dues
A few people have inquired regarding the $10.00 technology fee on your HOA statement. For accounting purposes we show monthly HOA dues of $55.00 and a $10.00 technology fee. Your total HOA dues are $65.00 per unit. The technology assessment is part of the total $65.00 monthly dues charged.
Garden Area
We will be tilling the garden area the week of April 26th. We are asking that a few of you garden users step forward and help keep things organized. We need someone to monitor the water to let us know when and how much to water. We would like someone to oversee the assignment of garden plots so that we use the space as efficiently as possible. Spaces need to be assigned contiguously from South to North. Please contact Sharon if you have an interest in helping 435-755-7829 or
New Construction
We have begun construction of 12 units in the northern part of phase III. Completion is estimated to be mid summer and early fall. The units will all be “Cache” style units (1600 sq. ft.) and will incorporate several changes to the interior floor plan and construction practices. We are very excited to be moving ahead, even if slowly, and emerging from the recession.
Please make certain your children do not play in or around the construction area as it may be dangerous for them.
Please make certain your children do not play in or around the construction area as it may be dangerous for them.
Maximize Garage Space
Many homeowners use the garage as an area for extended storage. Unfortunately, the space may end up being cluttered and chaotic. Here are some ideas to help maximize the storage in garages:
• Install storage cabinets – Use locks for storing pesticides and chemicals.
• Build wall and ceiling shelves – Free up floor space to store less frequently used items like holiday and camping items.
• Install hooks for hanging storage – Use the studs for hanging shovels, rakes and brooms. Pegboards with hangers can be used for smaller tools and baskets.
Put a priority on storing frequently used items in convenient places. A well-organized garage should not only look good, but should make a homeowners life easier by allowing them to find what they need quickly.
• Install storage cabinets – Use locks for storing pesticides and chemicals.
• Build wall and ceiling shelves – Free up floor space to store less frequently used items like holiday and camping items.
• Install hooks for hanging storage – Use the studs for hanging shovels, rakes and brooms. Pegboards with hangers can be used for smaller tools and baskets.
Put a priority on storing frequently used items in convenient places. A well-organized garage should not only look good, but should make a homeowners life easier by allowing them to find what they need quickly.
Referral Incentive
Our offer to provide you with one free year of HOA dues for a referral who ultimately buys from Red Eagle Development still is in effect. This spring and summer would be an excellent time for your friends to reserve one of our new Cache units. We all benefit with new sales in the development. “Please remember to tell us whom you referred before they go under contract.”
March 30, 2010
Spring is here!!
The good news is spring has come. The bad news is spring has come and all the winter debris is now visible. We are picking up debris and dog droppings and would appreciate any help you can give as you see items needing attention. Please call Sharon (755-7829) if you see areas we need to focus upon.
Window Washing
Bridgerland Meadows Special
$35 inside and outside window
cleaning services.
Contact: Spencer Knight:
$35 inside and outside window
cleaning services.
Contact: Spencer Knight:
Dryer Vents/Furnace Filters:
Dryer Vents should be cleaned periodically. These vents go through the attic and out the roof. Please contact Cohen Zaugg 435-764-3727 he can provide this service at a minimal charge. Cleaning the dryer vent regularly will extend the life of your dryer.
Remember also to change your furnace filter in preparation for the warmer months as your air conditioner uses the same system. Regularly changing the filters will insure a longer life of your furnace and reduce your utility bills.
Remember also to change your furnace filter in preparation for the warmer months as your air conditioner uses the same system. Regularly changing the filters will insure a longer life of your furnace and reduce your utility bills.
Smoke Detectors:
We are concerned that several smoke/carbon monoxide detectors have been disconnected because they would not stop beeping. If your detectors are not operation correctly please call Sharon (755-7829). Fire safety should be a top priority for all of us. Remember to change your batteries at least once a year.
Pet Registration:
It seems we are continually having persons with pets that are in violation of the CC&R’s and finding the errant pet owners is an ongoing problem. The HOA attorney is drawing up new Covenents, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R’s) that will address these issues. Violations will result in severe penalties. If you know of dogs that are in violation because of size or belong to renters rather than owners, please notify Sharon at 435-755-7829. Tenants are not to have dogs in Bridgerland Meadows.
Owners Renting or Leasing:
Owners leasing or renting, are responsible to make certain the tenant understands our Bridgerland Meadows HOA Rules and CC&R’s before renting or leasing their unit.
Please review the enclosed Bridgerland Meadows HOA Rules summary sheet.
Please review the enclosed Bridgerland Meadows HOA Rules summary sheet.
Siding Replacement
As some of you know we have been waiting for the siding supplier to replace defective siding on several buildings. The replacement siding has arrived and the installer has been waiting for the daytime temperature to rise before installing. The siding installer asks that if you think siding will be replaced on your building, please remove any valuable objects from the inside wall on which siding will be replaced. Pictures and other wall hangings may fall when the installers remove and replace siding on the exterior of the walls. If in doubt, remove items until the replacement is completed.
Snow Removal
If you see areas needing extra attention on the walkways, please call Sharon (755-7829). The ice buildup in the centers of the alleyways is very difficult to control as it builds up when the sun hits the roofs and water comes through the downspouts. At the same time the alleys themselves remain sun blocked and continue to freeze. As soon as we have any days that begin to melt the center alleyway ice, we will scrape those areas to get rid of as much of the ice as possible. Hope for sun!!
Fence Lights
Many of the lights are only working partially or not working at all. We have determined to wait to replace batteries until there is warmer weather and more sun during the day. The batteries are sensitive to cold and light, recently having a lot of cold and very little light. When better weather arrives we will replace the batteries.
If you are paying your Homeowner Association Dues through Bill-Pay at your bank, please make sure the address it is mailed to is, P.O. Box 6516, Logan, Utah 84341. This is the same address as on the statement sent out each month. Payments are no longer going to Allred, and Jackson. Thank you for remembering to do this. We want to make sure your payments are correctly recorded.
The Market
Right now is an excellent time to buy a home. Prices are low, long term interest rates are low, and the government has extended the stimulus incentives until April, 2010. FHA is increasing some of its requirements starting April 5, 2010. So if you know of anyone desiring to get into a new home, now would be a great time to do so. Remember, we will give you, a current Bridgerland Meadows residence, a year paid Homeowner Association dues for a buyer who is referred by you. Let us know so you can receive the appropriate credit.
New Construction
We are planning to start construction once again in April. We are very excited to “get going” again. As we complete Phase III, we will also be completing the long awaited Club House. So watch for the start of construction--- a good sign for us all.
January 21, 2010
This is the January 2010 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter. Also, to view previous editions of the newsletter. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication. Please keep comments respectful and use appropriate language.
The staff at Bridgerland Meadows and Red Eagle Development wishes you and your families the best possible year ahead. Let us hope that the economy recovers and that sales of new and used homes increase so we can continue to finish the amenities in the development. We are thinking positively about the coming year and hope your 2010 is successful and you accomplish your goals.
We want you to know that we have noticed several good things taking place in the development. There is less dog poop left unattended, less debris left lying on the ground, fewer garbage and recycle cans left in the alley ways, and a general feeling that you homeowners and residents are developing a strong sense of community pride. Thank you so very much. These are difficult times we are experiencing and it surely helps when everyone does their part. SO THANK YOU!!
Red Eagle Development is working with our lending institutions to begin more buildings this spring. Our hopes are high that they will see the wisdom of lending in our development. The entire banking industry is very cautious in real estate lending. Hopefully we will get funded.
We encourage you to refer your friends and family to Bridgerland Meadows. This is a great time to buy a new home. We are offering builder incentives, the federal stimulus is still in place, and the interest rates are at historic lows.
We are offering attractive incentives to you for the referral. Just let us know about the referral before rather than after the individual has gone under contract. Also please know that we are offering special discounts and incentives on five Bridger units we have in Phase III. Call Sharon (755-7829) for details.
We encourage you to refer your friends and family to Bridgerland Meadows. This is a great time to buy a new home. We are offering builder incentives, the federal stimulus is still in place, and the interest rates are at historic lows.
We are offering attractive incentives to you for the referral. Just let us know about the referral before rather than after the individual has gone under contract. Also please know that we are offering special discounts and incentives on five Bridger units we have in Phase III. Call Sharon (755-7829) for details.
To maximize heat distribution downstairs, be sure to (1) close off as many vents as you can upstairs which will force the heat downstairs and (2) make sure your furnace filter is clean.
Please ask your children not to use the pile of dirt in Phase IV as a slide. We are not sure if there are sharp objects under the snow. A better place would be at the far north end of Phase IV where the dirt is clean. Understand that if anyone gets hurt, the developer assumes no responsibility.
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