December 21, 2009


This is the December 2009 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter. Also, to view previous editions of the newsletter. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication. Please keep comments respectful and use appropriate language.




Winter has come and snow removal is in full swing. For the most part, we are all doing a great job in keeping collection cans inside garages. Please place your garbage and recycle cans inside your garage immediately after pickup!! (Or as soon as you return from work on Thursdays) The driveways must be kept clear to plow and keep the ice to a minimum. The snow removal people will pick up cans left in the driveway and take them to the Model Home where they can be claimed. Unfortunately, after the first time, a charge will be required to reclaim your cans as it costs time and resources to deal with them. When cans are left in the driveways, snow and ice cannot be adequately removed--- so please keep your cans stored inside your garage except on pickup day (Thursdays).

We are often asked what responsibility do residents have in snow removal. Your responsibility is to keep your own sidewalk clear, It is also a very good idea to keep the snow away from your garage door. Otherwise a buildup of snow and ice make it difficult to enter and exit your garage. If you feel you must use an ice melting product, please check with Sharon first. Damage may occur to the concrete with certain products.


Garbage and recycling cans are picked up by the City of Logan on Thursdays. In December, recycle cans will be picked up on December 10th (past), December 24th, and an extra pickup on December 31st. Garbage is picked up every Thursday. In order to know when recycle pickup is scheduled, go to and click on Environmental Department link. You will find the City wide collection schedule there.

HOSE BIBS (outside faucets):

If hoses are still hooked up to outside faucets, please disconnect. It may be that these faucets are now frozen and broken. If you think you may have a problem, let Sharon (755-7829) know so that when the weather warms we will be able to fix any leaking faucets.


It would be greatly appreciated if you will dispose of your trees at one of the Logan pick up points or the Logan Land fill. By disposing of the trees at one of the designated sites, we are supporting the Green movement by recycling of trees.


It appears that everyone needing to park extra vehicles is finding a place, especially since additional parking was added on the west end of the property. As you know, the City allows no overnight parking on city streets between November 15th and March 1st. Please park in designated spaces and with the appropriate permit issued by the HOA.


Make sure your furnace filter is clean and working properly. To keep the downstairs area warmer, close the upstairs furnace vents. This will force the heat down.

November 23, 2009


This is the November 2009 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter. Also, to view previous editions of the newsletter. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication. Please keep comments respectful and use appropriate language.

HOA Budget

Enclosed with this mailing is the latest Quarterly Report, Statement of Financial Condition, prepared by the HOA accountant. The report gives an overall statement of financial condition. This statement basically demonstrates that the financial condition of the Association is sound. We are still climbing out of a deficit, which we fully anticipated, in that some of our main expenses (landscape maintenance, snow removal, and utilities including water) were formerly shared by a smaller number of residents. During the past year, we have begun to see a better financial picture as we have increased the number of residents while at the same time the expenses listed above, have not increased in the same proportion as new residents.

The second report, Statement of Activities, sets for our income and expenses through the third quarter of 2009. HOA dues are the primary source of income and grounds maintenance, insurance, and utilities are the largest expenditures. The developer, has taken diligent steps to keep expenses down and has also supported the HOA by loaning money for obligations when the HOA funds were not available. The developer is contributing funds to a capital improvement fund, which will aid the Association in the future when capital outlay items will be large. Examples of capital outlay include new roofing, siding and concrete repairs, and road maintenance.

Technology Fees

No one likes to hear the words, “dues increase,” any more than one likes to hear “co-pay increased,” or “tax increase,” or any other “fee increase.” However, fee increases are a part of life, and once one understands the basis for the increase, one usually accepts the increase and moves on. We are not raising the fees arbitrarily or without diligent thought and planning. The reasons are described below. The Homeowner Dues of other similar HOA Associations is not the basis of the increase, but may serve to lessen the angst. We have examined the HOA dues structure of most of the other like properties in Cache Valley for which we could find information and learned that the average of the dues of the 9 HOA properties researched is $86.00 with a range of from $80.00 per month to $124.00. Bridgerland Meadows Homeowner Association dues are currently $55.00 per month and will increase on January 1, 2009 to $65.00 per month, by far still the lowest in the valley.

So you might ask, why the increase? Basically the increase is to continue to develop, install, serve, and maintain the infrastructure for the distribution of technology to current and future residents. We made a strategic decision to bring Comcast into the development to provide a wide array of technology services delivered by a nationally recognized company, with capability of full technological support. In order to entice Comcast to come into the development, which again we believe to be a sound business decision (further explanation below), given the recession we are currently in, required we allow them to use our existing infrastructure and delivery system at no charge to them. They were not willing to pay us for the use of our delivery system or to provide an ongoing maintenance fund for us to expand the system to new homes or to maintain the existing system. Still, we felt it important enough to bring them into the development as a fundamental and foundational technology company, we were willing to agree to their demands. Having Comcast in the development will provide a long term consistent technology option for all residents. Without Comcast, we would have been limited to satellite options for television, and Qwest or other local options for Internet. And who can guess what technology delivery will look like even 10 years into the future. With Comcast, we are pretty much guaranteed they will deliver the latest technology to the development. We would not have this assurance without them.

Our plan, once Comcast is firmly in place, is to open up the development to other technology providers. We are currently talking with Qwest and are in hopes that next summer will see them in all phases of the development. Qwest is currently available to Phase I residents only. Once Qwest is tied into our infrastructure, we will consider other options, including satellite. By providing several technology options, we believe the residents will benefit with lower pricing (competition), better service, and eventually several delivery options which hopefully will satisfy individual desires and needs. For these reasons, we believe we have made a sound business decision, especially for our residents.

Technology Fee

Therefore, the $10 monthly dues increase will be earmarked for technology. These funds will be used to install future infrastructure to Comcast specifications serving Phases III and IV. They will be used to maintain the current and expanded infrastructure and keep the technology delivery system updated with the latest technological developments. They will be used to bring Qwest into Phases II, III, and IV, so that Qwest can provide land telephone lines where needed, Qwest internet options, and so that Qwest can bundle an array of services including Direct TV. As other options for delivering technology become available in the market place, we will seek them out and if feasible these funds will allow us to bring these options to the residents.

Again, no one likes to see a fee increase. We hope that the above explanation gives you the information you need to feel that you will directly benefit from these funds. Technology is an important part of our daily lives. We will do everything possible to bring you a price competitive, superior technology service, which will allow you multiple choices and which will keep pace with new developments. If you have questions or concerns and you would like to speak with us, please call 755-7829 during business hours to make an appointment or receive a call back.

Official Notices

• Garbage and Recycling Bins must be placed beyond the concrete strip that runs along the buildings (approximately 2 feet from the building). The siding on several units has been damaged by the garbage truck because the bins were too close to the building. The City will no longer pick up your garbage or recycling bins if they are too close to the buildings. Please store them in your garage as soon as possible after pickup. If left outside, they make it difficult to maneuver vehicles, remove snow, sweep the driveway, and they make the neighborhood unattractive.

• To help with snow removal please make certain there are no items in the driveway behind your home (i.e., cars, toys, garbage cans, etc.) or on the main sidewalks in the development. It is very difficult to remove the snow if there are obstructions in the driver’s way. If the driver encounters any obstructions, he will begin to assess an extra charge that will be passed on to each homeowner responsible.

• Residents are responsible to shovel their walkway from either the 10 foot or 5 foot main walkway to their front entry as well as the snow that may pile up behind the garage from the snowplow. The association will keep all other walks cleared. If you see areas needing attention during or after snowstorms, please contact the HOA management.

Thank you for your cooperation in making this a comfortable and safe community. Please address any comments, questions, or concerns to Sharon Andersen at (435) 755-7829 or

Snow Time

Please see Sharon if you need to park a car in the guest parking along 1530 North. Beginning November 15th the City ticket cars parked on the city streets between 1AM and 6AM.
Ice melt harms concrete in most cases. If you decide to use ice melt understand that damage to concrete may not be covered by the HOA. Make sure to use a product that will not harm the concrete.

What Are The CC&Rs?

CC&R is an acronym for covenants, conditions, and restrictions. It is a legal document detailing the restrictions governing the use of real estate. CC&Rs are usually enforced by a homeowners association (HOA), and they are passed on to the new owner when the property changes hands. Enclosed is a summary of the CC&R’s for Bridgerland Meadows.

Winter is Coming!

Please remember to keep the alley ways clear for snow removal. This would also be a good time to change your furnace filter. We would suggest you also vacuum inside and around the furnace and the room in which it is located.

Garbage/Recycling cans:

Garbage and Recycling Bins must be placed beyond the concrete strip that runs along the buildings (approximately 2 feet from the building). The siding on several units has been damaged by the garbage truck because the bins were too close to the building. The City will not pick up your garbage or recycling bins if they are too close to the buildings. Please store them in your garage as soon as possible after pickup. If left outside, they make it difficult to maneuver vehicles, remove snow, sweep the driveway, and they make the neighborhood unattractive.


During the past few months you have noticed installation of more fencing. Along with more fencing, we are installing caps and lights. We hope these additions are adding to your enjoyment of Bridgerland Meadows.


Please report to Sharon any vandalism accruing in the development. We were able to identify the vandals damaging the ceiling in the pavilion. Turns out they were children residing in a neighboring development.


From November 15th through March 15th the city does not allow any overnight parking on city streets. We have a limited number of parking passes available to park in the guest parking near the mailboxes. See Sharon as these passes will be issued on a first come first come basis.
Also, people have been parking diagonally in the cul-de-sac at the end of 1530 North. You will get ticketed for parking this way. Only parallel parking is allowed on city streets. The city is concerned about fire trucks needing to enter the area.


We hope you are happy with the new Comcast service. We have only heard about one unhappy customer. If you are having issues we may be able to direct you to the appropriate Comcast contact. Call Sharon 755-7829 for info.
Our goal is to eventually add more technology options for you once Comcast has been established. We are in discussions now with Quest. As we learned with Comcast, negotiations can be very slow.

Pet Update:

Thank you all for cleaning up after your dog (if you have one). In recent walk through, we were impressed at the improvement in this area. Keep in mind this winter, that to leave droppings in the snow creates huge problems in the spring. So please continue to pick up. Also a reminder that dogs continually urinating in a small grass area will kill the grass which will need to be replaced at owner’s expense.


It seems to us that their needs to be more organization to better utilize the garden area. Our suggestion is that those of you who are interested in the garden, form a group to decide how best to proceed next year. We will be happy to do what we can to support your efforts, ie., water schedule, spraying for weeds, etc. With a little organization on your part, we still think the garden area is a great idea.

September 25, 2009


This is the September 2009 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter. Also, to view previous editions of the newsletter. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication. Please keep comments respectful and use appropriate language.

Grass in Phase 3 Park:

Now that fall weather is here, we are working to get the majority of the park area in phase 3 seeded. Please help us by staying off the area and keeping pets & children off the planted areas so they can germinate. We will be excited to see grass there next spring!


We made it through the switch over to Comcast! We hope everyone is happy with their services. Any questions regarding billing or services need to be handled through Comcast at 1-800-comcast. If you have equipment from our old service, please return to Sharon or you will be billed for it. If you have not cleared up your old account please contact Sharon to avoid collections.

Pavilion Damage:

We have had a couple incidents of vandalism in the development. If you see something please investigate and call Sharon or the police. Repairing damage that is done in these areas comes out of the HOA funds so, let’s all try to keep an eye open to what is happening.

Siding Damage:

As many of you know, we have some siding that has been damaged by sun, wind or other factors. The siding manufacturer is replacing this under warranty with no cost to us. Unfortunately it has taken a while to get the claim processed and all the paperwork in order. We have been promised that we will have new siding here in time to replace it before winter.

Email addresses:

We are continually updating our resident’s information to be able to communicate efficiently with each of you. One of our best contact methods is through email. If you have not given Sharon your email address yet, please just send a quick email to Thanks for helping us in this effort.

Children Safety:

Please talk with your children and tell them not to play in the driveways. It is very difficult to see as you pull out of the garage. We would not want anyone to get hurt.


For those of you who took advantage of the garden area, we hope you are enjoying your hard work. There is nothing better than fresh vegetables! As the season winds down we will need to clean up the garden area. We plan to spray the areas that don’t get planted to help with weed control for next year. Please do your part in cleaning up your own area so it will be ready to go next spring.

Storm Doors:

We are still offering to install storm doors at a discounted cost. If you are interested please call Sharon (755-7829) to get more information.

Summers End:

On September 22, 2009, the Autumn Equinox will signal the beginning of Fall. It is the point where there are exactly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness at the equator. Daylight hours dwindle until Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year and the start of winter.
People celebrate with fall and harvest festivals as the summer season comes to a close bringing with it a long winter. Getting there is half the fun. Drive through mountain canyons ablaze in fall color. Enjoy!

August 18, 2009

The Rendezvous

This is the August 2009 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter. Also, to view previous editions of the newsletter. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication. Please keep comments respectful and use appropriate language.

Important Technology Information:

As you probably have seen Comcast workers on-site lately, you realize we are getting very close to transferring all technology to their system. Following are answers to most questions we have received regarding the changeover.
1. What will Comcast offer individual residents? The short answer is any of Comcast services offered outside the development will be offered here. Residents can choose to receive no services from Comcast or sign up for everything they offer. Therefore whatever is offered throughout the valley will be offered in our development.
2. Will Comcast or the HOA bill us for services? Comcast will bill you directly.
3. How do we get connected to Comcast?
A. On the night of August 19th Comcast will switch over to their system. We may experience some downtime or problems immediately following this switch over, but hopefully they will be minimal.
B. A few days before August 19th and a few days after Comcast personnel will be on-site contacting you directly. They will explain their services and get you signed up and connected. If you see them, make a contact so they don’t miss you. Their job is to find and talk with as many residents as possible.
C. During the period immediately prior to and after switchover is the main sign up period. If you miss the on-site contract people call Sharon at 435-755-7829 for assistance.
4. Should I call Comcast directly to get connected? Comcast has advised us NOT to have you call their call center as they may have limited information and may not be able to help you. Make every effort to contact one of their on-site representatives when they are here.
5. When will my billing date begin with Comcast? You will be billed from the actual date you begin receiving services from Comcast.
6. Will the modem I currently have work with Comcast? We have been told that your current modem should be compatible with Comcast equipment.
7. Will I be able to receive HD TV? Yes!
8. What about other questions you have? Call Sharon (755-7829) and she will do all she can to find answers to your questions.

Storm Doors

We are still taking names and reservations to get a “bulk” price on storm doors. If you are interested please contact Sharon at 755-7829.

Email Addresses

Thank you to those of you who have given us your email addresses. If you haven’t please email Sharon at

Dryer Vents

We have recently had all of the dryer vent checked and cleaned. If you believe your dryer is not running efficiently, you may want to have your duct cleaned which goes through the wall and attic space. You can contact Cohan Zaugg @ 435-764-3727 for a reasonable price.


We have recently sprayed for bees and insects. If you are still noticing problem areas, please contact Sharon.

July 20, 2009

The Rendezvous

This is the July 2009 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter. Also, to view previous editions of the newsletter. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication. Please keep comments respectful and use appropriate language.


Thank you for doing all you can to make Bridgerland Meadows a great place to live!


Comcast continues to tell us they are on schedule to have the changeover completed by August 31st. We haven’t seen any of their workers near the development so just have to have faith that they will get it done. We have a signed contract with them.


We are continuing to sell some units, however sales have slowed considerably during this recession. We hope to be able to start a few more buildings before winter. We are hopeful that sales increase over the next year to a point where we can complete the clubhouse.

Storm Doors

We currently have orders for 10 storm doors, If we get 10 more, the price drops from $198.00 to $180.00. These doors retail for $218.00. Our installer will install them for $75.00. If interested call Sharon at 755-7829.


Residents are doing much better picking up after their dogs. There are two issues that need addressing. First if your dog continually urinates on the small grass areas inside your fence, the grass will more than likely die and need replacing each year. If you allow the dog to urinate on the other grass areas in the development, then you will continue to see dead grass spots. These are all costly to repair and detract from the landscaping. So please, walk you dog to one of the field areas or pet stations to let him/her conduct their business. It’s good exercise for you and the dog and helps to keep our grounds looking better.

If you see dog dropping building up in one area, please notify Sharon

Dryer Vents

We have been alerted to the fact that lint builds up in the roof outlet. We are in the process of cleaning out these outlets. If your dryer is not running efficiently, you may want to have the dryer line cleaned inside your home. Sharon (755-7829) has the name and number of a professional cleaning person who will clean out your vent for $30.00.

Garbage Cans

Please remember to place your garbage and recycle cans inside you garage other then on garbage day. (Thursday)


Feel free to reserve the pavilion for your personal and or family use. A refundable deposit is required. See Sharon for details.


We still have not received the caps to complete the fencing and lights. We are hopeful that they will be here any day. We reordered the brackets needed to install fencing in Phase III and will have them shortly.


By now you have noticed we have contracted with a local landscape maintenance company (Stickman Landscape) to maintain the grounds. They will also be responsible for snow removal. It will take a little time but the landscaping will begin to look better over the next several weeks.

We have been installing landscaping on the park and buildings fronting the park in Phase III. Within 30 days this area should be completed.

June 22, 2009

The Rendezvous

This is the June 2009 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter. Also, to view previous editions of the newsletter. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication. Please keep comments respectful and use appropriate language.


We hope you are enjoying you experience living in Bridgerland Meadows. Our goal is to provide a safe comfortable, beautiful place for your home. If you have concerns please let Sharon know so that we may address them before they become more than just concerns.

Technology Update

Comcast is still planning on completing the transfer to them by the end of August. So until then, we are supplying the Internet and television services through AbbaCom and Rigidtech. Red Eagle Development is supplementing the costs to bring these services to you, which is why the costs remain so low.

Some have asked about other options besides Comcast. Our current position is that we would and will be open to allowing other companies into the development, after Comcast is established. If we were to allow other companies to enter at this time we may lose our only opportunity to get Comcast into the development. In the long term we do want Comcast to be one of the options residents have for technology.

One other thing needs to mentioned. We had to offer several concessions to Comcast to entice them to come into the development at this time given the poor economy conditions. One of the concessions required that we allow Comcast to use all of our equipment, cable lines and related items at no cost. We will need to maintain the conduit, cable lines, headend, and continue to add conduit and cable lines to new buildings as they are built. Therefore, we will need to increase the HOA dues to cover the costs of maintaining and expanding the technology system. We are projecting costs and reserves for the future and these are coming in at about $10.00 per month increase in dues. We will not implement this increase until after Comcast transfers into the development. We did not want to increase dues but must develop a fund to maintain and expand the technology system. We hope you will all agree that getting Comcast into the development is worth the concessions we made.

Landscaping Maintenance

Mark has been extremely busy servicing the various areas needing attention. Springtime is weed time and we appreciate all those who have jumped in to help by weeding your yards and helping pick up trash. It is definitely appreciated. The Communication Committee brought several landscaping issues to the group and we have acted swiftly to address these issues. We are looking at other alternatives for maintaining the landscaping and will report more in the future in this newsletter

Yard Watering

Please make sure that toys or other obstructions (barbeque, patio furniture, etc.) are clear of any sprinkler areas. We find some areas are not getting watered because of such obstructions.

Lawns/Dog Droppings

Please be good pet owners and pick up immediately after your dogs. We have replaced some front yard lawns that have been damaged and will be doing more shortly. If your dog has damaged the lawn you will need to make arrangements with Sharon to replace the sod yourself or have the HOA do it. We will order more sod shortly so if you need sod please let Sharon know (755-7829).

Storm Doors

Several people have asked if they can put storm doors on their home. Lowes will give a special discount if we purchase 20 or more at one time. Please contact Sharon for pricing, installation and to reserve a door.

Email Addresses

We are compiling a list of resident’s email addresses. We need these addresses so that we can better communicate with you regarding HOA business. It would be helpful to ask you for your input and then have a vehicle (email) by which you can respond. Please call or email Sharon with your email contact information. ( or

April 22, 2009


This is the April 2009 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter. Also, to view previous editions of the newsletter. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication. Please keep comments respectful and use appropriate language.


Mark still has had to clean up a lot of dog poop. If you have a dog, you are required to clean up after your dog. Also, we have not received the pet registration form from some of you that we know have dogs. Please contact Sharon @ 755-7829 for a new form if you don’t have one.

Progress Update

Happy Spring here in Cache Valley! As you have noticed our spring this year has been very wet and cold. This is great for our water stores but can be frustrating when it comes to outside work. Mark is ready to go with spring cleanup and has started in some areas. The parks in Phases 1 & 2 have been fertilized, aerated and had a weed killer applied. Phase 3 park area will also get planted. As soon as our fencing material arrives mark will get the fences installed in Phase 3. You have probably noticed the bee traps up already. Mark is trying to get a jump on it before bee’s become a problem. Mowing and weeding will begin next week. Please make sure you yard is accessible and cleared of toys, furniture etc.

Technology Update

Great news!!! Comcast has said they are going to come into the development! They said work should be complete in 90 to 120 days.

Police Patrol

Many of you probably noticed that the police have been patrolling the area around our subdivision quite regularly. They are handing out tickets for speeding, stop sign violations, etc. Please watch your speed and help keep our neighborhood and streets a safe place to be.

Official Notices

Garbage and Recycling bins must be placed beyond the concrete strip that runs along the buildings (approximately 2 feet from the building). The siding on several units has been damaged by the garbage truck because the bins were too close to the buildings. Please store them in your garage as soon as possible after pickup. If left outside, they make it difficult to maneuver vehicles, remove snow, and sweep the driveway and the make the neighborhood unattractive.

Garden Spot

We have had quite a few residents interested in using the garden area this year. That’s great! Mark will be adding some dirt and doing some rototilling and weed control to get the area ready to plant. He plans on having it ready the 1st week of May – weather permitting. We do have more room in the garden area, if you are interested please give Sharon a call @ 755-7829 and let her know. She will be calling everyone on the list when the garden area is ready for planting.

February 20, 2009


This is the February 2009 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter and allows the opportunity to make comments about any of the issues in this month’s newsletter or to view previous editions of the newsletter. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication. Please keep comments respectful and use appropriate language.

Communications Committee

Six to eight residents of the development have been meeting with the developers for the past several months. Issues covered include technology, parking, maintenance items, booting, fencing, signage, snow removal and other various items. This committee represents a cross section of residents and the committee will be happy to hear and discuss any issues put forth. You can add items to the agenda by email them to Sharon at

Technology Update

We were hoping very much to have a agreement worked out with Comcast by the time this newsletter was sent. However, several issues are still being addressed. These issues center on Comcast's decision to spend the necessary dollars to bring services to the development. Given the conditions of the economy, their decisions are weighed very carefully. It would seem that being able to immediately hook up 130 customers would justify their spending the funds to get to the development. But, as stated before they are a large company and decisions such as this are not made locally and expansion dollars compete with projects all over the country. Having said this, we are still hopeful that they will decide to supply our subdivision and the new senior development east of Bridgerland Meadows. We will keep you appraised as negotiation continue.


We have had several separate occasions that someone has driven over the round-a-bout. Not only does this make a mess for Mark to have to clean up, it has damaged drip lines and weed barrier will have to be replaced. We do have security cameras on that area and have contacted the authorities. If you see someone doing this please get a vehicle description and contact Sharon @ 435-755-7829.

Window Coverings

It has been brought to our attention that some residents still have window coverings that are not approved by the developments CC&R's. These coverings include blankets, cardboard, newspaper, towels etc. The CC&R's require "horizontal leveler type blinds" (section 6 b vii). If you have unapproved coverings on your windows, please get them changed as soon as possible. If you have questions about what are acceptable for window coverings please call Sharon @ 435-755-7829 or email at

Furnace Filters

Sorry to keep harping on this. But in today's economy, every $ you can save is important! It is a good idea to change you furnace filter every 30 to 60 days. We have several sizes of furnace filters available in our office for $3.00 each. This could be the best money you ever spent!

January 20, 2009

The Rendezvous

This is the January 2009 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter and allows the opportunity to make comments about any of the issues in this month’s newsletter or to view previous editions of the newsletter. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication. Please keep comments respectful and use appropriate language.

Official Notices

• Garbage and Recycling Bins must be placed beyond the concrete strip that runs along the buildings (approximately 2 feet from the building). The siding on several units has been damaged by the garbage truck because the bins were too close to the building. The City will no longer pick up your garbage or recycling bins if they are too close to the buildings. Please store them in your garage as soon as possible after pickup. If left outside, they make it difficult to maneuver vehicles, remove snow, sweep the driveway, and they make the neighborhood unattractive.

• To help with snow removal please make certain there are no items in the driveway behind your home (i.e., cars, toys, garbage cans, etc.) or on the main sidewalks in the development. It is very difficult to remove the snow if there are obstructions in the driver’s way. If the driver encounters any obstructions, he will begin to assess an extra charge that will be passed on to each homeowner responsible.

• Residents are responsible to shovel their walkway from either the 10 foot or 5 foot main walkway to their front entry as well as the snow that may pile up behind the garage from the snowplow. The association will keep all other walks cleared. If you see areas needing attention during or after snowstorms, please contact the HOA management.

Thank you for your cooperation in making this a comfortable and safe community. Please address any comments, questions, or concerns to Sharon Andersen at (435) 755-7829 or

What Are The CC&R's?

CC&R is an acronym for covenants, conditions, and restrictions. It is a legal document detailing the restrictions governing the use of real estate. CC&Rs are usually enforced by a homeowners association (HOA), and they are passed on to the new owner when the property changes hands. You should have received a copy of the CC&Rs when you purchased your home, and they will be available on the HOA website.

Technology Update

We finally believe we have sufficient information to make a formal announcement. We are working closely with COMCAST to finalize a contract and pave the way for them to come into the development!!! The delay has not been on our part. We have wanted them to come into the development since Quadra Media (First Line Security) filed for bankruptcy last year. Comcast is a very large company and decisions are made at their regional and national offices, not locally. Hence, things move very slowly. But, we are very close now. Their regional administrator in charge of installations for developing capacity was here on January 8th to make final cost assessments to bring Comcast fiber lines to the development. They do not have service down 400 West that will support a development the size of ours and therefore need to install the support structure before they can come into our development. Added to the general problems in communicating with a large company, the recession has dictated to Comcast that any acquisition and expansion needs to be handled very carefully. All of this said, we are hopeful that we will have a formal agreement and that Comcast will be able to begin construction within the next few weeks. They need to construct transmission lines to bring service to the corner of 1530 North 400 West. It could take them as long as 90 days (we are hopeful it will be less) to complete their construction. Once service lines are in to the development, all will go very fast as our system was developed perfectly for a company like Comcast to simply connect to the infrastructure we already have in place and begin delivering service. The ball is in their court. We hope by this time next month, we will be able to report on significant progress on their part. We will do our best to keep you informed.

Heating Your Home

You need to change your furnace filter at regular intervals both in winter and summer. Regular intervals would be at least quarterly. We have recently seen some filters that were almost completely clogged. Think of the furnace filter the same as your air filter in your car. If it gets dirty or clogged, your engine will not run very efficiently, nor will you get the gas mileage you should. The same is true with your furnace and air conditioner.

Doggie Areas

The pet stations at the south end of the property, one in Phase I and One Phase II, have been completed and are equips with baggies and a disposal station. We realize that most dogs (probably all dogs) will not necessarily go to these areas and willingly and immediately do their business. But please try to get them to use these areas and if not please immediately pick up any droppings your dog leave. Some have said that in the winter time and with snow it doesn’t make any difference. Believe me, it does make a difference and when the snow thaws the worst thing would be to have dog droppings all around the development. Also, a dog left to urinate in the same areas (front yards) will definitely kill the grass and it will not come back in the spring. So please exercise your dogs, lead them to the pet stations, pick up after them, and do NOT let them continually urinate in the front yards.