December 30, 2008
This is the December 2008 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter and allows the opportunity to make comments about any of the issues in this month’s newsletter or to view previous editions of the newsletter. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication. Please keep comments respectful and use appropriate language.
We feel like jumping for joy as we just received a draft of the agreement with the major national provider. We have been waiting for this for months, as you know. We are reviewing the agreement with our attorney. There are some definite differences that need to be resolved before we can sign the agreement, but we are moving toward developing a solid contract that will be in the best interest of the HOA over the long run. The company is requiring that they have 90 days from the date the agreement is signed to make the changeover. They feel they can accomplish their work in less than 90 days but want to leave extra time in case it is needed. They have to increase their capacity to the site (from 400 West) before they can actually make the changeover. We hope that all the legal work on the contract can be accomplished by the end of December, so that the clock (90 days) can be started.
Official Notices
- Several months ago, the HOA changed their property and liability insurance carrier from State Farm Insurance to Buckner Insurance. If you receive a notice from your mortgage lender that you have no insurance and therefore they are going to charge you for fire insurance on your home, call Sharon for Buckner contact information. Your home has never been without insurance but your lender may not know who to contact to verify coverage.
- Please bring or send in the signed form either registering or indicating you do OR do not have a dog which was recently sent to you. You will be assessed $10 per month until we have the signed form indicating you do not have a dog on the premises. We have to assume you do have a dog unless we receive the signed form. Also, if you do have a dog, it needs to be registered with the HOA office as per the CC&R’s. If you need another form please contact Sharon.
It is very important that you have a “Condo Insurance Policy” which covers your personal property inside or outside your home. The HOA policy does NOT cover personal property or personal liability. The HOA policy covers the structure itself and items inside which are permanently affixed to the home and liability for the Homeowners Association. If you or someone in your home started a fire which spread to other units, you would no doubt be sued for damages. A Condo Policy would protect you for such liability and should not cost over $110 to $140 per year. It is an insurance that is low cost and is of great benefit.
Most homes in the development have programmable thermostats that when programmed can greatly reduce natural gas consumption. Think about programming back to 60 degrees when not home and then having the heat come on before you return so your home is comfortable when you arrive. If you don’t have a programmable thermostat, they can be purchased locally and easily installed.
November 21, 2008
This is the November 2008 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter and allows the opportunity to make comments about any of the issues in this month’s newsletter or to view previous editions of the newsletter. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication. Please keep comments respectful and use appropriate language.
We have been able to consistently provide 3Mb down and 896Kb upload speed for the past month. Some individuals are still experiencing some issues and we are working diligently to trouble shoot these problems. We are still not charging for internet service until we feel that everyone on the system is receiving the same service.
Again, if you want to upgrade your television services, please contact Sharon. She can currently get most upgrades that you may want with the exception of HD.We know (and we agree) that you that you get tired hearing this, but we are still awaiting the contract review from a permanent provider.
Official Notices
- If you are reporting a problem on the blog, please use your name or contact information so we can deal with the issue. It does no good, nor can we respond if we don’t know the specific address or nature of your complaint. You remain frustrated because we can’t respond and we are frustrated because we can’t provide a service to you.
- Beginning in January, all persons housing dogs within the development will be assessed a $10 monthly fee. This fee will cover the cost of lawn damage and pet stations. This fee does not imply that hired workers will pick up dog droppings. This remains the responsibility of the pet owner.
- We have received several complaints regarding inappropriate window coverings (for example, newspaper, brown paper, sheets, blankets, etc.). The CC&R’s restrict the use of non-approved window coverings. Therefore, please immediately obtain the appropriate type of window coverings. You may contact Sharon if you have questions and to see the applicable section of the CC&R’s.
Logan City does not allow any overnight parking on 1539 North or 500 West between November 15 and February 28. They will ticket for parking overnight. We will provide one parking pass, per unit, as needed (to park in guest parking along the North side of 1530 North). Please see Sharon for a pass. We have a limited number of spaces available so these parking passes will be given out on a first come, first serve basis.
The Communication Committee asked that City Council email address be included in this newsletter (see below). The purpose of having the City Council’s email is to address safety issues of cars parking on city streets inside the development and unsafe speeding on the same city streets. We have been instructed to voice our concerns to the city council before the city will take any action on our behalf. If you continue to see these problems occurring please take a moment to voice your concerns at the City Council email address:
Your garage door will run quieter and last longer if you perform regular maintenance. You can buy garage door lubricant to apply to the wheels and tracks. If you think that further attention may be necessary, contact any garage door installer and request a regular maintenance adjustment.
October 21, 2008
This is the October 2008 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter and allows the opportunity to make comments about any of the issues in this month’s newsletter or to view previous editions of the newsletter. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication. Please keep comments respectful and use appropriate language.
In October, we will begin to issue full credit on the internet portion of your monthly technology bill. We will do this until either (1) we have a permanent contract in place with a major and dependable provider, or (2) until the current system is functioning correctly. As of this writing our understanding is that each subscriber is experiencing 3MB down load and 896KB upload. If the system maintains this level, we will be satisfied. DSL provides 1.5Mb down and about ½ of that up. If you have need for a higher service level, please contact Sharon (755-7829) to increase your service level.Regarding the procurement of a long term provider, we were informed this week that the company’s attorneys have finished their investigation and a contract will be forth coming for our review. So, hopefully we are nearing an end of the technology problems we have experienced to date.
- We are concerned with the speed residents are driving through the development. Please! Please! Reduce speed to 25 MPH or less on the main streets and 10MPH or less in the alleyways. This is critical! We are very concerned about the safety of our residents and especially our children. We are working with the City of Logan to provide parking instructions on the main roads and signage for the Round-A-Bout. More information will follow in the future.
- Please be watchful parents. Unattended children moving in and out of auto traffic is a serious accident just waiting to happen. Please supervise your children when they are outside. For children who are a little older, please discuss with them rules for their conduct in and around the development. Overall, we are doing a good job, but we have experienced quite a lot of vandalism (setting construction items on fire; damaging trees and shrubs; damaging the sprinkler systems; using spray paint). Please discuss with your children proper behavior and what is acceptable and what is not.
- Please remember to keep your garbage and recycling bins in your garage except for the garbage pick up day. Please put them inside as soon as possible after they have been emptied. They are a driving hazard and will cause problems for snow removal during the winter, and keeping them in the garage helps our neighborhood look clean and neat. Also remember when you put them out for pick up to place them beyond the concrete strip that runs along the buildings to avoid any damage to the siding.
- Please be a respectful neighbor. Please keep noise to a minimum and respect your neighbor’s rights. Please pick up after you dogs. We are still finding a lot of dog droppings on the grass and in the gravel. Long term, it will be you, the residents, who make Bridgerland Meadows the kind of place you and others will want to live.
As you have seen, we’ve had more than our share of concrete spalling this past year. The installer blames the weather and the supplier blames the installer. To get restitution from either is very problematic. We investigated various “Top Coats” and decided to go with a product that is supposed to last a long time. Let’s hope this is true because to get an actual guarantee is virtually impossible. So we have a crew that began in Phase I and is continuing until the worst of the damage is fixed. Weather allowing they will also begin to repair sidewalk and other concrete issues.
Please observe the proper traffic patterns for the use of the round-a-bout. We are working with the City of Logan for signage. In the meantime, when approaching the round-about, always go to your right and always yield to any car already in the circle. Let’s all sharpen our driving skills and begin using the round-a-bout as it was intended.
As the weather becomes colder, it is a good time to do some regular maintenance on your home to avoid problems and make it last longer. Remember to replace your furnace filters. This will help your furnace run more efficiently and heat your home better. Filters are available at home improvement stores for $10-$30. Look at your current filter to find what size you need to buy. This is also a good time to replace the batteries in your smoke detectors and vacuum them to remove dust so they will work properly. You can find further instructions for regular maintenance on the inside cover of the detector.
September 22, 2008
This is the September 2008 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter and allows the opportunity to make comments about any of the issues in this month’s newsletter or to view previous editions of the newsletter. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication. Please keep comments respectful and use appropriate language.
Interim Period: The builders/developers of Bridgerland Meadows feel deeply responsible for the lack of response we were able to get from Conexus and later Quadra Media. The service has not been what was envisioned and what we had hoped it would be. As you know, we had to take over the collection operations in August as Quadra Media no longer exists. We understand we definitely have challenges, especially with the internet. If you are not happy, we are not happy. Therefore, as of October 1, 2008, we will not charge you for internet services and will not charge you until it is providing each customer at least 1.5 MB.
Identified Problem: We have determined that we have sufficiently large enough bandwidth to provide all customers with at least 1.5MB of internet service. We test the incoming bandwidth at the "head end" periodically and have verified the incoming bandwidth. After review of our accounts, we have found a handful of residents are downloading illegal and legal movies and music. These activities rob the bandwidth and cause the whole system to be slow. Up to now monitoring the activity at the "head end" was Quadra's responsibility. We can now do that. We are purchasing equipment that will limit or restrict the amount of bandwidth an individual user will get, thereby protecting the remaining users.
Going Forward: Because of our current dismal track record and not being able to procure the technology services we all desire, we will not be charging you for the internet until we have reliable service. Your October technology bill will reflect the lesser charge. Thank you for your patience. We are still waiting for the contract review from a large national company. We will move as quickly as we can once we receive a contract.
Official Notices
We would prefer you park your extra cars in the guest parking stalls along 1530 North (near the mailboxes) you do not need a parking permit there. The streets are getting very congested. This will work until winter time, then we will need to address parking again.
Please address any comments, questions, or concerns to the HOA Management by contacting Sharon Andersen at (435) 755-7829 or at:
Mark and his crew have really been making our subdivision shine. The shrubs and plants have added great color to the development. Also, the cleanup of phase IV is progressing as is the park area in phase III. So thanks Mark, we appreciate your efforts. If you notice trees wilting or plants which look stressed, call Sharon and she will have Mark check them. Please be advised that cars have been driving over the South landscaping and curb which resulted in damage to the irrigation to the trees. Please do not drive on any landscaped areas.
August 21, 2008
This is the August 2008 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This website / blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter and allows the opportunity to make comments about any of the issues in this month’s newsletter or to view previous editions of the newsletter. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication. Please keep comments respectful and use appropriate language.
Negotiations with a new technology provider are progressing. Dave Springer, the agent in charge of acquiring a new contract, believes it will happen in the next 30-45 days. However, his optimism must be tempered with the fact we have already been waiting for several months. There are, however, indications of progress as the company representatives were on site earlier this month taking measurements and running calculations.
You should have received invoices from the HOA/Development Management. As explained earlier, they have had to assume control of all billing and obligations to continue providing services as Quadra Media is completely out of business. Any questions or problems should be directed to Sharon and she will contact the appropriate individuals. If you have a past due balance on your invoice please contact Sharon to address the issue. Please pay your current bills on time as the funds are sent directly to DISH and Rigidtech to continue providing services.
Official Notices
- The maintenance crew has reported that they are still encountering dog droppings. Please do not allow your dog to do his/her business in any area except your yard or the surrounding field. You are required to pick it up so it is not a hazard to the landscapers or your neighbors.
- As the development continues to grow, you are reminded to please drive slowly through the development, especially in the driveways. There are children playing throughout the development. Please be cautious by driving slow, yielding to pedestrians, and be careful when backing out of your garage.
Thank you for your cooperation in making this a comfortable and safe community. Please address any comments, questions, or concerns to the HOA Management by contacting Sharon Andersen at (435) 755-7829 or you can email her at:
The pavilion in Phase II is now complete and ready for group use. There are picnic tables, kitchen facilities, and a rest room. There is a refundable deposit of $50.00 and it is fully refundable as long as the area is left clean and free of damage. You can reserve the facility by contacting Sharon and she will give you keys for the kitchen and bathrooms. Please plan in advance for the weekend as her working hours are Monday-Friday 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
July 31, 2008
The purpose of this blog is to provide easy access to information for the residents of the development, and to give them the opportunity to make comments about any of the current issues. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication. It is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management, and any questions or concerns for which you would like a response need to be addressed directly to the HOA Management.
The level of frustration with some of the current issues in the development is understandable, but please be respectful and use appropriate language. The opportunity to comment has been unrestricted to allow anyone to make a comment anonymously if they choose. To maintain open access, the comments will be moderated to prevent any inappropriate comments from being posted so there may be a delay in the time you make a comment and the time that it appears on the blog.
July 21, 2008
July 15, 2008
This is the July 2008 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This website / blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter and allows the opportunity to make comments about any of the issues in this month’s newsletter or to view previous editions of the newsletter. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication.
Dave Springer, the agent in charge of negotiations for a new technology provider has notified the developers that the primary company he is working with is preparing a contract for review. They are a large company so things are progressing slowly, but it is hoped that a solution will be reached in the near future.
Quadra Media Works is no longer administering the technology services. If you experience any problems with your internet, television, phone, or security please contact Sharon Andersen at (435) 755-7829. In the interim period until a contract is established with a permanent provider, AbbaCom Inc. (Dave Springer’s company) will be servicing the technology services with Michael from Rigidtech handling the Internet services at the head end and Brett handling the local service issues and installations. Sharon will be doing the billing and taking all the customer calls to direct them to the appropriate provider (technology, billing, technical support, or installations). If your television service is experiencing problems, please call her with the problematic channel numbers as in many instances the problem can be addressed with minor adjustments in the head end.
Mark and his crew are working hard to make our development beautiful. They are mowing on Tuesdays and weeding weekly so the weeds are being controlled and weed sprays and fertilizer are working well with the dry weather. The trees and shrubs which have suffered winter kill are being replaced. They do need your help to identify shrubs and grass areas that look stressed before they die. The problem could very well be a plugged drip line or broken sprinkler, and could be corrected before the plant dies or the grass turns brown if known soon enough. If you see a plant or lawn area that appears to be stressed, please contact Sharon at (435) 755-7829 so it can be addressed. Also, due to some recent problems, we ask that you please help us keep children from tampering with and/or breaking sprinkler heads and drip lines.
Official Notices
- Thank you for your cooperation in managing the pet waste in the development. We have noticed a significant decrease in the amount of dog droppings in the neighborhood. The fenced area is almost complete on the south side of Phase I, and a “Pet Station” will be installed which includes plastic disposable bags and a dump station. Please use these areas as much as possible, and always remember to take disposable bags with you when walking your dog to pick up any waste.
- We have witnessed and have been made aware that some parents are allowing their children to ride small electric cars and scooters unsupervised. We are concerned about the safety of the children, especially riding through the driveways. Please do not allow your children on these toy vehicles without your direct supervision. Also, please ask your children to be respectful of the safety of others when operating these vehicles or bicycles on the sidewalks.
- Some residents have experienced problems with their air conditioning that have been traced to dirty filters. These filters need to be changed regularly otherwise the air conditioning and furnace will not work properly. Please check your filter and replace it regularly. You can find filters at the local home improvement stores priced from $10 to $30.
- After speaking with some of you, we have decided to reactivate the communication committee. We met 3 to 4 times last summer, but interest in the committee began to wane so we discontinued meeting. If you would like to serve on the committee to bring issues and concerns to the developers, please call Sharon and indicate your desire to serve. We will schedule a meeting soon, so please let us know if you would like to be involved. We are hoping for a committee of about 8 to 10 residents.
The developers to the north of our development are beginning a project that will include town homes and perhaps condominiums. The first two buildings nearest 400 west will be 3 story buildings with 12 units. It is unknown if they will be selling these as town homes or offering them for rent. They will have several other building types, some of which will be similar to those in our development. The property to the south of our development is up for sale and it appears to be zoned as a multi-family residential area.
The pavilion picnic tables are available for use and the kitchen and bathroom facilities are nearing completion. If you would like to use the space for a group picnic, please contact Sharon at (435) 755-7829 and make reservations. A small refundable cleaning deposit is required to use the facilities.There are also garden plots still available for community gardening. Please contact Sharon for more information.
June 17, 2008
This is the June 2008 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This website / blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter and allows the opportunity to make comments about any of the issues in this month’s newsletter or to view previous editions of the newsletter. As urgent notices are received throughout the month, they will be posted immediately, so check back regularly, or you can set it up as an RSS feed through the program of your choice. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication.
Overall, the internet, television, and security systems appear to be working well. However, there have been occasional delays in the audio/video coordination in the television signal. If you are experiencing this problem, please contact Sharon and the signal can be reset.
Negotiations are continuing through the broker for a new technology provider. You will be notified as soon as there is a solid solution.
Please continue to contact Quadra Media with any problems, or if they do not respond you can contact Sharon Andersen at (435) 755-7829 or
The landscaping contractor is paid to mow the lawn once a week and to pull the weeds once a month. Because of the wet weather, they have started weeding once a week to keep up with the growth. Once the weather becomes warmer and dryer, they should be able to control the weeds through spraying and reduce the weeding frequency.
These costs are paid from the HOA dues, and the cost increases as the maintenance requirements increase. As the development grows, it is a learning process to determine how to best balance the costs and maintenance requirements to keep the neighborhood looking good. Please contact Sharon if you see any areas that need attention.
Official Notices
- It is the pet owner's responsibility to keep their yard area and all common areas in the development free of pet waste. A lot of the spring clean up budget was used to pick up pet waste. The landscaping contractor levies additional charges for picking up waste, and it is very time consuming to pick up the waste, especially from the gravel areas. The lawn areas have been damaged and the problem has continued as the spring progresses. The CC&R's for the development require those with pets to pay an additional $10 assessment for animals. This fee is to reimburse the HOA for picking up after dogs when no owner can be identified. This fee has not been enforced, but we will begin to enforce the rule as the problem is not being addressed adequately by pet owners.
- The landscaping contractor is preparing to replace several front yards that have been damaged by dogs. We will do this lawn replacement this first time. Thereafter if your lawn is damaged because of your pet, you will have to pay to replace the grass, shrubs, etc.
- The first of the pet waste areas is being competed in Phase I and the second one in Phase II will be completed shortly. We have ordered Pet Stations with plastic bags and all pet owners will be required to pick up after their pets. If they don't pick up and someone witnesses a dog doing their business in common areas (which includes the front yards) a citation will be issued and possibly an additional assessment levied. If multiple complaints are received, the owner may be required to remove the dog from the development.
May 16, 2008
This is the May 2008 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This website / blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter and allows the opportunity to make comments about any of the issues in this month’s newsletter or to view previous editions of the newsletter. As urgent notices are received throughout the month, they will be posted immediately, so check back regularly, or you can set it up as an RSS feed through the program of your choice. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication.
The developers of Bridgerland Meadows have retained an agent for the negotiation of a new service contract for the technology package in the development. Dave Springer is the president of AbbaCom Inc., a technology company based out of Salt Lake City, and he will be reviewing the current system, making suggestions for changes, and negotiating the new contract.
A letter from Mr. Springer is included below along with a brief biography of his experience and expertise.
As of the publication of this newsletter, Quadra Media Works is still under contract to provide services to the community. The recent Internet outage that lasted several days was due to a power outage on Friday, May 9th. They were on site throughout the weekend to resolve the problem. If you are experiencing further problems or have any other customer service issues, please contact them.
If you have any problems, please contact Sharon Andersen at (435) 755-7829 or
May 7, 2008
To Whom It May Concern:
Bridgerland has retained AbbaCom Inc., specifically David Springer to represent them in reviewing, changing and negotiating the telecommunications systems at the property. It has been determined that the infrastructure has been designed and built properly but that there have been numerous problems with vendors and a clear absence of a consistent quality of service.
With that in mind solutions are being reviewed that will provide industry standard systems and products, with a quality of service that is expected in today’s high demand world. Negotiations are on going with several solutions that will bring an end to these problems.
We understand that time is critical and are doing everything we can to facilitate a rapid resolution to the problem. Please find attached a short history of my experience.
David L. Springer
AbbaCom Inc.
The over thirty years of experience and expertise acquired by Mr. Springer began in 1973 withhis college training in electronics. He enhanced his training with hands-on experience while inthe Air Force. Serving in the military as a Specialist on Electronic Counter Measures,Communications and Navigation Systems for the F-111 fighter jet, formed a solid foundation forhis civilian career in the communication industry.
In 1977, he began eight years of working for two major CATV operators. During this time heheld many different positions in technical services, engineering and management. Managementresponsibilities encompassed personnel and fiscal management, development of timelines andproduction schedules, evaluation of product development as well as marketing. This experienceprovided him with the practical skills he needed to begin his own business ventures.
Mr. Springer began his own corporation in 1984, Westvision Telecommunications Inc., in SaltLake City, Utah. Within his corporation he held responsibilities as President and Engineer. WTIoperated a complete 3/4" and Beta SP production studio, sound studio, audio visual sales andrental, and complete corporate communications systems. In addition, WTI designed, consulted,constructed, operated and marketed numerous private cable systems, CATV, Wireless and Pay-Per-View Systems throughout the United States. In 1991, Mr. Springer sold WTI and foundedAbbaCom Inc., which specializes in CATV, Wireless, Private Cable/Telephone, InternetTechnologies and Audio/Visual systems.
AbbaCom Inc, works with the leading Wireless, PPV, IPTV, Ethernet, Fiber Optic and CATVproviders as well as specialized corporate communications systems. Their continuinginvolvement brings a depth of experience and scope of information that is very much in demand.The many years Mr. Springer has enjoyed in the RF industry have allowed him to be involvedwith many of the cutting edge technologies available today. From Microwave to Fiber Opticsand from Video to High Speed Data, his expertise brings to bear a wide range of talents andinnovative ideas on any communications project.
We have ordered tables for the Pavilion and should have the finishing touches completed on the building in June. You will be able to use the facility for family and other gatherings. You will need to reserve the area with Sharon and submit a $50 refundable cleaning deposit. A small kitchen area will be available to wash dishes and the restrooms will be available to you. We are looking forward to you using the area for your enjoyment.
- We are running behind in our concrete schedule due to the weather. This has delayed the construction of the pet waste areas, but they will be done soon. If you are currently walking your dog or letting them do their business in the field to the south or north, please understand that both of these areas are private property, and therefore should be treated with respect. You should always pick up after your dog wherever he/she happens to go. We are still finding large amounts of dog droppings around our property and in the adjoining fields. Please pick up after your dogs!
- Thank you for responding to the request to keep the garbage bins inside your garage. The driveways are clean and neat and much safer. Thank you all for your cooperation!
- As you can probably guess, with all the negative media about the housing slump, sales of new town homes (and all other homes) are going a little slower than we would like. But given the strong economy of the valley and state, we are hoping that this year will bring a strong market for new home sales.
Thank you for your cooperation in making this a comfortable and safe community. Please address any comments, questions, or concerns to the HOA Management by contacting Sharon Andersen at (435) 755-7829 or
Development plans have been announced for the lots to the east of our development surrounding the LDS chapel. A planned unit development of 75 building lots for single family homes will be constructed. The homes will be available to residents who are 55 years of age and older. This is good news for our neighborhood. The new development will be finished nicely with streets, sidewalks, and landscaping. And, the single family homes will increase the property values in the area, but will not compete directly with the townhomes in our development.
April 21, 2008
This is the April 2008 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This website / blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter and allows the opportunity to make comments about any of the issues in this month’s newsletter or to view previous editions of the newsletter. As urgent notices are received throughout the month, they will be posted immediately, so check back regularly, or you can set it up as an RSS feed through the program of your choice. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication.
The parent company of Quadra Media Works filed for bankruptcy in January of this year. As of the date of publication of this newsletter, Quadra Media Works is still under contract to provide internet, cable, security, and phone service to the development. Please continue to pay for your service as they continue to provide service. If you have any service or billing problems, please contact them to have them addressed. If you do not receive a satisfactory response, please contact the HOA Management through Sharon Andersen at (435) 755-7829 or
The developers of Bridgerland Meadows are currently in negotiations to arrange for another service provider. Because of the nature of contract negotiations, they are unable to provide any information about the prospective service providers.
For additional information about your technology package, see the FAQ’s article below.
Don Barringer, one of the developers, has provided some responses to some frequently asked questions about the technology package:
Why do we have a technology package?
Our original goal was to create a technology system called a “Connected Community.” This would have been a wonderful thing had the service provider been able to support all their claims. From the get-go there were problems, but we attributed those to a new start up company and were probably not as demanding as we should have been. But this is all water under the bridge.
In retrospect, it would have been much easier to go with the conventional communication options seen in most developments. Our intentions were to have a superior system without any visible exterior equipment or wiring. We have installed interior wiring and other infrastructure which, if supported, would have allowed each home to function as a “Smart Home.” In short, our goal was to create a technology system which would be like an expensive home one would find in Park City, only do it at an affordable price. Of course, we were told that the company supplying the tech services would be able to do all they claimed and more. We were the first development of the company to come on line and so we were patient and asked our residents to be patient. Unfortunately, the system has never performed as was promised, and has been our number one source of customer dissatisfaction.
What is happening with Quadra Media?
We thought the company was beginning to perform better and just beginning to be able to deliver the services promised, and then in January of this year, the parent company filed for bankruptcy protection. This move created difficult circumstances for Quadra Media. They were just beginning to make progress, but with the bankruptcy filing, creditors would not extend credit, employees left for more stable employment, and caused Quadra Media problems they simply could not overcome. They, to their credit, have been making every effort to keep our services up until a new company could be located to take over the Quadra position. Sometimes the service has been lacking, but they have not left us alone to struggle through this on our own. We, as well as you, have felt the pain of the entire technology problems. We know the technology system has caused us to lose sales. We know that many of you have suffered through less than adequate technology services.
Please understand that we are doing everything in our power to attempt to satisfy you, our customers. We are listening to your concerns and want you to be happy. We are grateful for your patience and do know that this casts a negative shadow on us as developers. Please again understand that we thought we were providing a state of the art system that would surpass typical services available in our area. We are actively working to deliver the services you expect. We are in negotiations now with major service providers and hope to have resolution in the very near future.
Why can’t we choose our own service providers?
There are several reasons for having a subdivision wide system. The first is cost. I am told by several people that Comcast and Quest get you into their systems at a reduced cost, but then increase rapidly. Two individuals have told me that their basic television and internet alone is over $120 per month. By negotiating a “package” with a provider our goal is to provide our residents with a great package price which hopefully is 10 -20 percent less than they could procure as an individual for the same services. Second, as the developer, we have made a large investment in the infrastructure to provide these specialty services. Third, by negotiating a group contract with a service provider on behalf of the current and future residents, we hope to get a better package which will carry more weight now and in the future with the service provider.
Do the developers receive any “kickbacks” from the technology package?
Please be assured that this is not the case. We have invested approximately $400,000 of our own money for infrastructure costs and to date have not received any money to help offset those costs. The original plan called for the developer to receive a residual amount to help offset the cost of the infrastructure, but none of that ever happened. So please don’t think that somehow the developer has benefitted at your expense, as that is simply not true.
Will “AMI Utah” be the new service provider?
The AMI truck that some of you saw was here on a service call installing a new security system for the development. We hope this system will help us in the recent thefts we have experienced and also provide additional security to the subdivision now and in the future.
When do the homeowners assume control of the HOA?
The CC&R's state that the builder retains control of the homeowners association until the subdivision is fully completed or for 10 years, whichever comes first. To my knowledge this is consistent and standard practice among homeowners associations. This is for the protection and well being of all involved parties. It is very important that during the time the developer is in charge of the homeowner’s association, that leadership is identified which will aid the new association and that the developer leave the association in good financial condition. Both of these are the developer’s goals. We have deposited several thousand dollars which are developer paid into CD’s which are earning interest for the homeowners association.
If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please contact the HOA management through Sharon Andersen at (435) 755-7829 or
An open area has been set aside for any of you wishing to plant a small garden plot. The area will be on the Northwest end of the project behind Phase III. The area will be prepared by tilling the ground and making sure there is water available. The garden area will be ready to plant by the 1st week of May. This is not a community garden where everyone plants and weeds and then harvests a common area. Instead, this will be your own individual garden plot. It will be up to whoever plants it to weed it and maintain it.
There should be plenty of room, but please contact Sharon Andersen at (435) 755-7829 or to reserve your space.
Within the next thirty days, the concrete pads for the pet areas will be installed. They will be located on the south side of Phases I and II. They will have water piped to the area, a fence around the area, and eventually plastic bags and a receptacle for your use. It is hoped that this will eliminate the problems with pet waste in the neighborhood.
You may have noticed that the damaged vinyl strips along your garage doors have been replaced. They were damaged by the garbage truck because the cans were left too close to the buildings. They were replaced by the developers because this was an unexpected problem. In the future this will be your individual responsibility, so please continue to place your garbage cans beyond the concrete strip to avoid any further damage. And, thank you for responding to the requests to place the garbage cans inside your garage. The neighborhood looks much better!
March 16, 2008
This is the March 2008 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This website / blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter and allows the opportunity to make comments about any of the issues in this month’s newsletter or view previous editions of the newsletter. As urgent notices are received throughout the month, they will be posted immediately, so check back regularly, or you can set it up as an RSS feed through the program of your choice. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication.
The work continues on the VOIP phones. The head end hardware has been replaced and this should result in much improved phone functioning. Residents who are using VOIP phones need to contact Quadra Media to have their phone re-provisioned to work with the new hardware. They do not have the resources to contact each resident individually, so they are asking residents to contact them to arrange for the service. They have already re-provisioned 7 customers and their VOIP phones are functioning great. To have your phone re-provisioned, you can contact Quadra Media Works at (888) 534-3317 and select option 3. If you have any problems, please contact Sharon Andersen with the HOA management at (435) 755-7829 or
If you are new to the area, or you have lived here your entire life, there is always the question of where to find good food. For breakfast pastries, unique sandwiches, gourmet soups and salads – not to mention some amazing desserts – try Sweetly Divine pastries at 1309 North Main Street in Logan (just south of ShopKo). It’s a great place for a quick lunch, a light breakfast, or some dessert after dinner. Check it out!
If you have any good food recommendations, make a comment below with your recommendations.
- There have been several complaints about pet droppings throughout the development including comments from prospective buyers. Currently, pet owners are required to take their animals to the fields to the north and south of the neighborhood to do their business. When the weather permits, two pet areas will be built on the south side of the neighborhood. Until then, please be respectful of your neighbors and take your animals the designated areas. If you have allowed your animals to leave their droppings in your front yard or in any of the common areas, please clean up the mess in order to keep our neighborhood clean and allow the landscape maintenance crew to work without any problems. If the landscaping crew encounters any messes, you will be asked to clean them up so please cooperate fully. If your pets have damaged any grass from recurring urination, you will be responsible for the replacement costs.
- After the notice about the $10 fine for garbage bins that are obstructing snow removal, there were some comments that people were reluctant to place them in their garage because of the bad smell. Several things can be done to eliminate or minimize bad smells: 1) wrap garbage in plastic bags and seal the top before placing it in the can, 2) use the garbage disposal for all appropriate waste for that system, 3) keep the garbage bin lid shut, 4) rinse the can with bleach if foul odors begin to occur, and 5) try not to store raw meat in the can until garbage day. Please support the effort to keep the driveways clean and free of the unsightly cans. They are a potential hazard in the summer, they obstruct snow removal in the winter, and they just plain look bad all year long. The garages are large enough to accommodate the garbage bins. Please keep them inside the garage.
- There has been a lot of theft from the construction areas of the development. If you see a suspicious vehicle of any kind in the development after 10PM, please call 911 and ask the police to come immediately to question the individual. The thieves have been so bold as to unbolt hot water tanks from the units under construction. Your watchful eyes are needed to help us stop this theft and vandalism.
- Spring clean up will begin as soon as the snow melts. Please do your part by cleaning your own areas before the heavy maintenance begins. Remember, they will need to come into your yards to weed, fertilize, and mow the grass. They cannot work in an area that is not ready for them, so please keep your yard clear.
Thank you for your cooperation in making this a comfortable and safe community. Please address any comments, questions, or concerns to Sharon Andersen at (435) 755-7829 or
The 2nd part of Phase III is proceeding nicely. It is hoped that the construction on the storage sheds will begin this spring. There has been a lot of activity from prospective buyers, so it is hoped that this spring and summer will see many more buyers in the community. The park area in Phase III should be completed this spring, and the current plan is to begin construction on the club house after Phase III is complete.
March 3, 2008
We have been hit by thieves several times over the past month. We need everyone's help to catch these people. They have stolen appliances, tools, and equipment from subcontractors, and plumbing and other building materials from units under construction. We would ask you to be particularly watchful of suspicious vehicles (probably pick ups) that are seen in the development, especially around Phase III currently under construction, after normal working hours. We believe they are coming in during the night, between 10PM and 4 or 5AM. If you see any suspicious vehicles or individuals around an area that seems out of the ordinary, please call the police (911). Explain to them that we have been experiencing a lot of theft and what you have witnessed or are witnessing. Hopefully they will respond fast enough to catch them in the act of stealing.
Thank you very much for helping us.
Don Barringer
February 25, 2008
The technicians from Quadra Media Works are working to address any problems with the VOIP phones. They are unable to identify which accounts are working and those that may still be having problems. If you are having problems with your VOIP phone, please contact Quadra Media Works at (888) 534-3317, and ask for Technical Support.
February 17, 2008
This is the February 2008 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This website / blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter, and it allows the opportunity to comment on the articles. Please keep the comments respectful. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication. For example, last month a comment was made about snow removal around the mailboxes, and that problem has now been addressed. Thanks for being involved!
With all of the snow this winter, you may have wondered how much has really fallen. The average snowfall in Cache Valley for the month of January is around 12 inches. In January 2008 there was a total of 27 inches of snow, over half of the average. January 2007 saw only 6 inches, so that is a big change over what many of us are used to. The record for the month of January was set in 1949 with over 43 inches of snow.
The good news is that all of the snow will bring needed water. The snowpack in the mountains is around 98% of average, and this snow season has already seen 10 inches more snow than all of last year.
The focus over the past few months has been primarily on addressing internet problems and increasing the bandwidth. A switch affecting internet and VOIP phone service was recently replaced to address internet and phone problems. With this new switch, it is a good time to contact Quadra Media to address any phone problems as well as any remaining internet problems. You can contact them at (888) 534-3317. They have a new customer service representative, Jenn Boren, who has replaced Chalan Nickolette. If Jenn is unable to help, you can ask to speak with Shane Evans, the president of Quadra Media. If you do not receive a satisfactory response, please contact Sharon Andersen with the HOA management at (435) 755-7829 or
Official Notices
- Garbage and Recycling Bins must be placed inside your garage except when they are placed outside for pickup. They are unsightly and they obstruct the snow removal. You will be fined $10 by the HOA management if they are left outside in a snow storm and obstruct the snow removal.
- The City of Logan Overnight Parking Ordinance (08-02) states: “No person shall park a vehicle on any street or city owned parking lot between the hours on 1:00 AM and 6:00 AM of any day, beginning November 15 and ending the last day of February each year. 1530 North and 500 West in our development are city streets and subject to the parking ordinance. Please make parking arrangements with the HOA management. Vehicles in long-term parking (2 days or more) should park on the north side of 1530 North.
- For residents with laminate flooring, there are some special maintenance recommendations. Water that gets in the joints can damage the flooring, and there is no warrantee against water damage. You should never use a wet mop or similar product (e.g., Swiffer Wet Jet). You should immediately clean up standing water, and it is recommended that you use a spray cleaner approved for laminate flooring. Please contact the HOA management for recommendations.
Thank you for your cooperation in making this a comfortable and safe community. Please address any comments, questions, or concerns to Sharon Andersen at (435) 755-7829 or
The fire alarms in each unit are very sensitive; even a little dust on the contacts can set them off. It is recommended that you vacuum the alarms several times each year to remove the dust. This will ensure that they function properly. Also, the alarms are wired together, so when one battery is low all of them will beep. It is recommended that you change all of the batteries at the same time, because low batteries in one alarm can affect the proper functioning in all of the alarms.
The Logan area was recently ranked as the 10th best housing value for college towns in the United States. The ranking was based on housing prices and the overall value of real estate in the area. The average price of a home in the area is around $172,000. The worst college town housing value is Palo Alto, California, home of Stanford University, where the average home price is $1.7 million.
January 15, 2008
This is the January 2008 newsletter of the Bridgerland Meadows Homeowners Association. This website / blog contains the same information as the printed newsletter, and it allows the opportunity to comment on the articles. Please keep the comments respectful. This is not an official form of communication with the HOA Management. It is provided to increase community awareness, involvement, and communication.
In addition to the monthly newsletter, this website will eventually include helps for new residents, community resources, immediate posting of important information, and opportunities to comment and vote on neighborhood issues. It is also hoped that the newsletter will be completely electronic within the next year.
The purpose of this newsletter is to facilitate honest and positive communication between the current HOA management (the developers) and the residents. It is published as a service to the community by a homeowner. This is our neighborhood and it is our responsibility to work together to make this a great place to live. After the work is finished on a house, it still takes people who care to make it a home – and after the work is finished on our development, it will take people who care to make it a neighborhood. Consider what you can do to make this a great place to live, and find a way to get involved!
Our neighborhood is part of the City of Logan in the Cache Valley. This valley was a popular gathering place for the mountain men of the 19th century, and “cache” is a French word that means, “to hide or save away.” Fur trappers would often bury "caches" of pelts in the ground of the valley for storage and thus the name Cache Valley. The area is also referred to as “Bridgerland,” named after Jim Bridger, a trapper and explorer who lived in the area and played an important role in the settlement of the west. The City of Logan was settled in the 1860s by Mormon pioneers and was named after one of the early trappers who lived in the area, Ephraim Logan. You will notice several businesses and organizations in the area that use “Bridgerland,” or, “Meadows,” in their name. It is part of a rich history. Our community is situated in the open meadows of the Bridgerland Valley, and thus the name, Bridgerland Meadows.
This newsletter will include a monthly update of the status of our technology package from Quadra Media until it appears that the problems have largely been resolved. For our first issue, they sent the following letter:
“Bridgerland Residents,
We apologize that the services (Internet and Phone) haven’t been as reliable as we would like them to be. We have issued partial credits to everyone in the community over the past 3 months for the interruptions in service. We are hopeful that most of the major problems that we experienced in the past are resolved.
We now have a wireless 10MB pipe coming into the community to provide faster Internet speeds. With the new Internet pipe in the community we are able to provide speeds that are 3x faster than they were in the past. We have been ‘tweaking’ the new pipe to make the necessary adjustments so that homeowners in the community will not experience intermittent Internet connection. These adjustments will more than likely continue for the next 30 days. They shouldn’t be that noticeable to end users, but at times, depending on the issue you may experience some latency. If you experience problems or notice something out of the ordinary, please send an email to or call our customer service line at 888-534-3317 to report any problems. We appreciate your patience and help in getting the system tuned.
Quadra Media Works”
It is hoped that through this newsletter, we can stay up to date on the progress with Quadra Media and be made aware of any problems or changes. We also hope to publish warnings in advance about any necessary service interruptions for work on the system, including immediate posting on the website about interruptions or other problems. Stay tuned!
The Homeowners Association carries a hazard insurance policy through State Farm Insurance called a "master" or "blanket" policy. It covers the entire development including the units, common areas, and facilities. This policy provides coverage against fire, windstorm, water damage, vandalism and other hazards (see CC&Rs Section 18).
This policy covers basically everything that came with the unit when the builder sold it. Exterior features (i.e., stucco, siding, brick, stone, and roofing) and interior features (i.e., framing, insulation, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, cabinets, countertops, light fixtures, flooring, appliances, drywall, and paint) are all covered by the master policy. (Flooring does include all carpet, tile, laminate, and linoleum floor coverings.)
It does not cover any personal property. This would include vehicles, furniture, electronics, clothes, televisions, and any other personal items. Each homeowner is required to provide their own policy to cover personal property (see CC&Rs Section 18, p. 20). This is called a condo policy and is fairly inexpensive.
If you do not have a condo policy to cover your personal property, you need to get one. State Farm offers a good policy that would compliment the master policy. If you are interested or just have questions you can call Rigo Chaparro at (435) 563-3236.
CC&R is an acronym for covenants, conditions, and restrictions. It is a legal document detailing the restrictions governing the use of real estate. CC&Rs are usually enforced by a homeowners association (HOA), and they are passed on to the new owner when the property changes hands. You should have received a copy of the CC&Rs when you purchased your home, and they will eventually be available on the HOA website.
- Garbage and Recycling Bins must be placed beyond the concrete strip that runs along the buildings (approximately 2 feet from the building). The siding on several units has been damaged by the garbage truck because the bins were too close to the building. The City will no longer pick up your garbage or recycling bins if they are too close to the buildings. Please store them in your garage as soon as possible after pickup. If left outside, they make it difficult to maneuver vehicles, remove snow, sweep the driveway, and they make the neighborhood unattractive.
- To help with snow removal please make certain there are no items in the driveway behind your home (i.e., cars, toys, garbage cans, etc.) or on the main sidewalks in the development. It is very difficult to remove the snow if there are obstructions in the driver’s way. If the driver encounters any obstructions, he will begin to assess an extra charge that will be passed on to each homeowner responsible.
- Residents are responsible to shovel their walkway from either the 10 foot or 5 foot main walkway to their front entry as well as the snow that may pile up behind the garage from the snowplow. The association will keep all other walks cleared. If you see areas needing attention during or after snowstorms, please contact the HOA management.
Phases I and II are complete with just few odds and ends left like pet areas, road signs, and some finishing details on the Pavilion in Phase II. The landscaping crew worked hard to install as much of the landscaping as possible including laying sod the week before Christmas. Phase III is about 50% complete (45 units) with plans to have 19 units ready for the spring and the remaining 29 will be ready by the fall. All of the underground improvements except electric and technology have been completed in Phase IV with plans to begin construction as the market allows due to the recent slow down from the sub prime mortgage problems. The clubhouse in Phase III should be complete by the fall and plans for the storage buildings in Phase II are underway. Only 10 units remain unsold in Phases I and II and 24 out of he 45 completed units in Phase III have been sold.
The real estate market in Utah is positioned well compared to the rest of the country. Logan was recently ranked in the top 10 ten college towns to live in based on affordability. Utah was ranked 5th by Forbes magazine for real estate value, which increased by 12.9% over the previous year as reported by the U.S. Government. As of December 1st mortgage rates are extremely low with 30 year fixed rates hovering under 6%, and the outlook is favorable after the sub-prime issues finally settle out. This indicates that your home is a smart investment and is likely to continue to increase in value.